So, since the 10th I have been on my new ASUS G75 670M, I paid 2000$ for it (14000SEK) and I must say, this is my not only my new wife, but also lover and brother in arms. I bought it with intensions of streaming, stupidly enough I hesitated that it would handle a 1280x720 16 : 9 stream, but it's actually running it FLAWLESSLY, the creepiest part about this computer is that while I'm streaming and playing at highest graphics in dota2/sc2, the computer is still a bit uncomfortable due to its cooling, by that I mean that I can actually feel discomfort from cold fingers this is not a bad thing, just something I really didn't expect from the G75. I love it, every part of it and If I could only...
Let's stop here.
Sure it could've had a more efficent GPU, but in all honesty I don't trust the stability of AMD GPU's, all my experiences of ATI are combined with overheating, therefor I wouldn't mind a little lower GPU for more stability.
The current specifications:
17.3 Full HD 1920 x 1080 display
Intel i7 3610M
GTX 670M 3GB
750GB Hybriddisk, (Planning on upgrading this to an SSD when my economy has restabilized after the huge impact)
Negativities: Stupid port placements, the displayports & the ethernet cable port, as well as two of the four USBs is at the right side, It's not really annoying but just this is space I prefer being empty to give more room for mouse, specially when you are connecting external screens. The computer comes preinstalled with a bunch of crap programs that took about 30minutes of removing manually. the touchpad is "so-so", the click buttons are sweet though.
Positivities: Really quiet, Performs better than I expected, really good cooling system. great display and and good keyboard, I had planned to use an external keyboard because I thought I would hate laptop keyboard, but this one actually feels really good and it didn't take more than a couple of minutes to get used to it.
Pictures are being added soon