Hi TeamLiquid,
Earlier last week, someone linked me to the WhoInspiresYou.ca Video Contest sponsored by TRI CYCLEN LO. The premise of the contest is to give one Canadian woman the monetary funding to help her chase her professional dream in a chosen field.
For the past year, I’ve been working towards a full-time job within esports. I’ve been to a number of events and had the opportunity to meet some of the most incredible people. I’ve worked with people like Artosis and Jason Lake. I’ve interviewed some fun community members from ThorZaiN to Michael Krukar, IdrA to Sundance, UltraDavid to HuK. I love being a part of this community, and while I’d love to continue to keep working in esports, I’m in a bit of a rut. In order to keep progressing by doing on-site coverage and networking, I need to continue to fund my trips or community projects, which comes with a hefty price tag. I’ve paid for over 90% of my travel costs over the past year, and it’s hard to work, pay the bills and pay for travel costs to do esports coverage. This year, I simply haven't been able to justify taking the time off work to spend money on esports travel. When I saw this contest, I knew it was a great opportunity for me to continue to fund my esports career.
There are two ways that I can win money:
1. Video views: The three entrants whose videos have the most views will be awarded $500. 2. Voting: Judges will pick the top ten based on the creativity and how the contestant is trying to achieve her dream. There will then be an open, public voting to win $500, $2500 or $10 000.
If I win any of the cash prizes, big or small, I will be using it first and foremost to fund a tournament or a showmatch series. It would be a great opportunity to learn how to plan, organize and run a tournament. It would be a fantastic way to learn new skills and expand my portfolio. Plus who doesn’t want the opportunity to organize a showmatch (or two) between his favorite players? It’s a daunting project, but on the off-chance that I do get money from this contest, I will be up to the challenge. I know that I have the resources and network available to help me do this properly. As stated in my video, if I win a bigger prize, I will be able to fund local events like documentary screenings, and I can purchase a much needed laptop.
As you can see, the video is a bit standard and targeted towards a mainstream, non-esports audience. I had a five minute time limit and couldn't go in-depth about anything, which was difficult. Also, it’s a contest for females who are “chasing their dreams” sponsored by a birth control pill. There’s obviously a touch of sap in my video submission. I’d love the opportunity to plan and fund projects within the community while building my portfolio and skill set, and winning this contest would give me the chance to do so.
Comments? Questions? Reply.
Sincerely yours,
Tweet this! Tell your friends! Support one of the best people in eSports ;D All you have to do is watch the video 8)
Nice work on the video, You always have my vote.
What took longer? the 10 wardrobe changes or editing the video.
On April 23 2012 13:32 Gofarman wrote: Nice work on the video, You always have my vote.
What took longer? the 10 wardrobe changes or editing the video.
Both editing and changing shirts was easy. It was like "My name is Jacqueline, this is my entry... contest... Tri..." "My name is Jacqueline, this is this is my entry for the Whoinspiresu.ca Video Contest... and... something... I don't know what to say" that took hours. I kept tripping over my words, and I wanted to be able to have one cut per shirt. The video that won last year was really impressive. Then again, she is a musician who produces her music to YouTube so it makes sense that her video was good.
nice didn't know you did those esfi world interviews, I wondered who that was! >_>;
Really well done, you covered everything perfectly in my opinion and it is direct and straight to the point. Good work and best of luck, I really do hope you can win this.
Edit: i watched the other video that won last year and well one thing is that your video is almost exclusively about you. I mean you do state that the ESPORTS community and your local communities inspires you but compared to that other video, it's really nothing and seems really centered on yourself. So depending on what exactly they're looking for, that might or might not be a problem.
Gl! Altho seeing as you have 300 views and one of your competitors has 300k, I dont think you have a chance. :[.
On April 23 2012 17:35 Rossen wrote: Gl! Altho seeing as you have 300 views and one of your competitors has 300k, I dont think you have a chance. :[. Never give up, never surrender! Jaqueline hwaitiiiiing
With friends like Diamond and prodiG, you don't know how to contact players? Are you kidding me??? I'm sure they'd be willing to let a hand, and expertise! Shit, I think Diamond can contact half of South Korea by now.
On April 23 2012 17:35 Rossen wrote: Gl! Altho seeing as you have 300 views and one of your competitors has 300k, I dont think you have a chance. :[.
The videos with 100K+ views are entries from the past two, three years. As far as I can tell, the majority of the videos from this year are between 100-10 000. Still far from the top, but at least I'm not at the bottom.
On April 23 2012 20:54 Dukat wrote: With friends like Diamond and prodiG, you don't know how to contact players? Are you kidding me??? I'm sure they'd be willing to let a hand, and expertise! Shit, I think Diamond can contact half of South Korea by now.
I did speak with Diamond last night, and if I do win any money, he'd be willing to help me out! It's nice. The community is so supportive.
Good video, best of luck with the competition
Go Jacqueline I hope you win and look forward to any show matches you arrange
Go go jacq!
GL Jacqueline. Awesome to see someone from Edmonton doing well in epsorts
Good luck Jacqueline! Really hope you get this, you are obviously chasing your dream pretty damn hard and thats more than most people have the guts for fair play to you and all the best in this contest.
Also, even if you don't stream your own games, you should crush Jared at SC2 on his stream again sometime!