I play sc2 because i enjoy winning over people. I guess you can say i am conceited, when i beat people in games like SC2/Chess i feel superior to them. Not like oh you suck but just like theres a little thought "I am the better strategist HAHA"
This is also why i don't like cheese games, i love long macro games because when i win them, i feel that i had better macro/decision making and i was superior to them. Its honestly something i never told anyone because it just makes me sound like a complete asshole but yeah.
You wouldn't think it if you talked to me, i am a pretty laid back person about winning/losing but since i don't care when i lose games (ironic i know) i can only be happy when i play SC2 (Except losing games when i clearly had the win)
I don't play anymore because of the poor battle.net
United Kingdom38142 Posts
Because it's both fun and a challenge =)
United States7639 Posts
I played SC2 for a couple of months because BW always crashed on my computer. Then BW started working so I stopped playing SC2. Then I realized I just suck dick at RTS and gave up on both games. Now I play DotA all day with cutiepies like Kona <3
I DONT KNOW!!! SC seems to be that game that I always go back to...
Trying to win a game and failing hard then raging and not playing SC2 until the next season so I can play my placement match and then failing that and not playing til next season. It goes on and on in an endless evil circle. T_T
To have fun and improve myself. Also playing with guys from the sc2improve channel is really fun.
Because I like torturing myself.
As much as I hate this game..it's too much fun to just stop playing
Both for fun and for the competitive aspect. I really like the game, and while I don't ladder that much, I enjoy playing CG's with people that are better than me and participating in low level tournaments Also SC2 teached me enough about mechanics that I can now play BW without feeling like a total idiot. Lulz.
To increase the size of my e-peen. That and i guess it's pretty fun when I feel like I didn't play agonizingly bad. Improvement is always good too... it's a little of everything for me i guess.
I wanna play for CSL, gotta be better to do that. x-x
I play now because when I was younger I would play competitive sports. Now that I am older and no longer play competitively, SC2 allows me to do something competitive.
It's my way of inflicting self-harm upon myself. Eventually, down the line, it might end up helping me with learning to deal with anger and stuff like that, I don't know...
Korea (South)17174 Posts
Because they are all a bunch of bads.
I play for lack of other RTS games.
I really DONT like Broodwar, i don't know why but it really fails to sit with me and I just find it less fun when Im at home.
However playing in a room with others is fun.
Bisutopia19138 Posts
You missed an option. I only play when I need to test something I saw a pro do so I can understand it better, either cause it was difficult for me to pull of or I was just amazed by. Same goes in BW, I play BW so I can understand what I'm watching better. But I'm a full time spectator. In fact, this applies to all sports, basketball, soccer, football, I play most of them so I can appreciate what I'm watching. And ofc, they are all fun.
I have fun and love the competition and the scene has completely entranced me.
I have to admit; to me it's all about crushing nerds, the thrill of victory.
I play because I must. I try quitting regularly but I get extremely bored, and I find that playing and hating it is far better than sheer boredom. If there's no struggle, there's nothing.
Also winning is fun, however rare it may be