I've been playing ladder more and more lately, I took a long hiatus then got knocked from Plat to Silver then switched from terran to zerg, i went to high plat then back to terran again. I'm now playing better than before. Right now I'm playing only vs Diamonds so I'm hoping when the ladder unlocks I'll get into dia. It was my goal from the start but I've never been able to obtain it. I think I figured out the secret to getting the D. When I play players that want to do a longer macro game ex. I scout a 1 gate expand, I get my third before them. I was getting my ass kicked by people doing it to me, then I had an epiphany. However it seems most people just want to do some kind of cheese or all-in. Thats where my problem is. I just don't ever see it coming. When its zerg since I have hellions out on the field denying creep and be annoying i should see any early all-in but I don't. Against terran I expect some kind of marine tank push. I've never seen late game T since I've been playing Diamonds. Protoss is another tough one. So today while I'm laddering the focus will be map control and scouting. I usually am pretty good at keeping an econimic and upgrade advantage. If I can keep map control and scout I know I can climb up the ranks.
Now I have to make a plan so I go through with it.
This is the plan Scout after the 1st depot, around 12 supply Scan at 6:30 keep the scouting scv @the natural or if they went early expo at the 3rd then every 3 minutes after that I'll scout.
I made this blog so I have the pressure of people motivating me to go through with this. Thanks guys for reading.
Edit: Replay pack from today. http://drop.sc/packs/820
glhf, you have scan btw, check out some pros for scan timings, you'll know when allins are coming better that way, better to sacrifice a mule rather then just die, you're not at the level where that 1 mule is a make or break
When vsing protoss you can keep your scouting scv in his base long enough to see if he makes 1 or 2 gas. If he only has 1 gas odds are he is not going to allin. If you see 2 gases then its pretty certain he is going for a timing attack.