I think everybody has seen the line up for the ipl tournament of champions by now. To say its Terran heavy would be a laughable understatement. But is that a bad thing?
Here me out.
What if there were race specific qualifiers for large tournaments.
3 Qualifiers. One TvT one PvP and one ZvZ.
32 players of each race in each qualifier. Top 8 of each qualifier would then be placed into pool play for the main tournament. Pools would randomly selected and contain 6 players in each.
The top 3 from each pool would then be placed into a double elimination Championship bracket where they would play against people who fought their way up from open bracket.
From there on it would be standard procedure.
I think it would make for quit an interesting tournament set up.
I'm just going to say it how it is: this idea is not good. For 3 reasons.
1: Mirror match-ups are generally the most boring matchups to watch and play. The goal of tournaments is to NOT have boring games.
2. A players' skill in one matchup alone should never completely dictate their success in a qualifier, as it does not accurately represent their overall skill at the game.
3. Many tournaments don't force you to play one race throughout. This was what let TLO play random at tourneys back in the day, and what lets MorroW play as Terran whenever he is facing a Zerg opponent, even though Zerg is his main race. Although these situations are rare, they *do* happen. There would be no way to have this kind of flexibility in this type of tourney.
The only issue I have is that you are basing the qualifiers on a single matchup. I understand the idea of creating a main event that is balanced race wise but I just don't this will produce the kinds of results you are hoping for...
The idea sets the tournament into a casual (yet interesting if you can get Grandmaster players in it) stage. I would suggest your style throughout the entire tournament up to a FFA finals (Idk give the Zerg player an extra patch of minerals and a third gas in their main?).
Again this would only work with decent people. I understand the FFA is completely impossible to balance, but again just for fun.
This would never work because players will just practice mirror matchup only. You have players like horang2 and sKyHigh from BW who are mirror matchup gods but are relatively terrible at the other matchups. If you base the qualifiers on who is best at the mirror matchup then the matches after the qualifiers would be very boring and very bad quality games. Imagine a PvP god vs a TvT god in a PvT. Both sides suck at the matchup but they dominated the qualifiers.
lol well it would be interesting to watch
Mirror matchups tend to be fragile by nature. Plus, many players are matchup specialists and this could kill some players in their attempt to qualify or help others despite their overall ability. I think ZvZ and TvT are ok to watch but PvP makes my eyes bleed. I'd assume most people generally dislike watching mirrors more than non-mirrors as well.
It's about fifty more coin flips I don't wanna watch lol.. : ( Mirror match's make me madd in sc2 ha but i get what you mean.
Ok, if I imagine this situation for a moment I see one problem at least (not considering entertainment value of the games). The best player in his mirror match-up doesn't mean that he's the best player in other match-ups too. If player A (Zerg) beats player B (Zerg) it doesn't mean that A is better than B against player C (Protoss) because it's another match-up. You could make such a tournament with the sole purpose of crowning the "best mirror match-up" player but that's about it.
I do not think it would be the best set up by any means, but it would be interesting to see how it played out.