I mean with another vehicle. I've laid my bike down 2 or 3 times before last wednesday....but last wednesday a car made a left infront of me, and I know she saw me, she just thought she could make the turn before me.....
Long story short, going 40 on a Ninja<<<<Chrysler 300. I'm lucky I'm alive, and lucky I live in a state with forced helmet laws....
14 Broken ribs, 9 on right 5 on left, 2 cracked vertebrae, punctured lung, broken collar bone, broken scapula.
I have mobility in all extremeties, its just hard to breathe and I can't bend my mid section or lift my right arm. I'm right handed too. Had to be choppered to a trauma center cuz local hospital can't handle those extensive injuries....And now I'm sad....I loved riding my bike....But...I never want to feel this pain again....or choke on my own blood again.
I also got two jobs, and I'm scheduled to miss 6 to 14 more weeks of work. So far I've missed one. I'm back at my house tho. Docs ain't did nothing really to set my broken bones....so I'm confused...my collar bone looks funny as fuck. Anyway, if you've been in a similar accident, or a similar incident like laying down a bike, lemme know....And if you have any advice.
Side note: I have almost zero road rash. I broke my ribs on the wheel of the car I think so i didnt slide far Edit1:
I just talked to there insurance company yesterday, they should be having someone call me today or tomorrow. I'm a little confused as what happens next....never had to do this sort of thing...if I hire a lawyer in the state I live, he can agree to settlements without consulting me unless I get it in writing I've been told....
that sounds horrible o_o
My father almost died when he was a teen in a motorcycle accident. I'm so glad he didnt
Ouch, that sounds really painful- what about the other driver- was she at least cute?
Is the driver going to cover the medical bills or something?
I've been to a few donor cycle accidents as a paramedic. I'm glad you're ok, a lot of people get killed on them and a lot of the time it is not their fault. I would say the next time you're out on the bike, act as if nobody sees you, everyone will do something dumb and never assume someone is going to give you the right away. Helmets really do save lives, I've seen a helmet split in two and the person who was wearing it only have a mild concussion.
I would follow up with setting any broken bones.. better to do it while they're broke as oppose to breaking them again to set em. I hope you have a speedy recovery. I was a little taken back at first, I thought "What, its winter here" but I'm assuming you live somewhere there is no snow.
Fuck man thats so terrible Im sorry. I've been down a few times but never with another car. Be happy you're alive and even happier that the bitch is going to pay for all your shit for the rest of your life.
on the bright side, you can sue her and her insurance company will pay you a large sum of money (they will settle before you ever get to court)
damn been riding for 4 years but have never been down so far. i know it's gonna happen one day but damn I hope it isnt as bad as yours. I am glad you are alive and recovering.
...Oh....Live in Southern U.S. Yea. I was suggesting trying to go to the ortho, but I think the appointment is next week. And I got no idea if she is cute. She's a rookie driver. We'll go with that. Her insurance should cover it. I ain't had a chance to get the police report.
it wasnt me but it was my uncle it was on black friday and he was out with his gf and was rear ended by a drunk in a F-450 threw hit 90ft and he skidded another 30 shaved off his nose and such and there were tire treads on his back. he got plastic surgery and you cant even tell that he was in an wreck, his girlfriend is still in a halo till this day with 9 rebars going into he pelvis to hold it together the docs said she would never walk again.. she hasnt walked to this day :/
my uncle was very lucky and im glad he is still alive. but the day he was released from the hospital he went out and bought the (brand new at the time) 2010 streetglide he actually ended up getting the first one in the state of MI
One time my grandfather was riding his motorcycle before my mother was born, on his way back from work. He was taking the route back he always took, but the night before they changed the stop signs so that he no longer had the right of way in the intersection. He didn't notice and just drove through the intersection and got hit by a car. He was in a coma for a week afterwards and was very beaten up, but fortunately recovered without any lasting injuries.
So yeah, motorcycle crashes are pretty serious, I'm really glad you're okay. Hopefully you will recover fast and return back to work soon.
Glad you're okay but this makes me not want to buy a scooter... Maybe I'll just bike around the city.
OpZ man...get better soon. Real dude. I'm sure all of TLMafia is hoping for you're safe health.
Be safe man. Got you in my prayers.
With the colossal amount of fucktards I see on the road every time I drive, I would never feel safe driving a bike.
Glad you're ok though.
Why women shouldnt drive cars reason 101!
hope you'll make a full recovery
idk how it works over there but make sure you get fixed up good and proper.. shit can heal in the wrong place afaik at least you can safely say..the only way is up
Oh my. I have fallen on my moped 3(or 4) times but never at more than 20 kph and it still hurts and give you a weird, sort of unnerving feeling afterwards. Can't immagine what it would be like in your case
But i would like to ask you a question myself: I am intent on getting a motorcycle myself, but what do you think of the risk/reward status? is it worth it to risk your life. I'm asking for a subjective opinion since i don't think there is an objective one. But i always wonder wheater it is worth the danger of getting a motorcycle.
Oh damn... well at least you bumped on an awesome car amirite? Chrysler, pfft, probably the mafia boss's wife trying to kill ya, lol nah joking.
Bloody Good to hear your alright
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
oh my goodness, that's scary as fuck. glad to hear you're okay. my idiot terrible driver roommate from way back wanted to get a motorcycle and we convinced him not to - there's like a 50% chance that he'd be dead by now if he had gotten it. sounds really fun but not with tons of metal moving alongside you.
I haven't. One of my aunts neices got killed in a bad accident though. It sounds like it would be kinda fun to me if the road was like completely empty. Hell, I don't even feel safe driving around these idiots around here in a car, I wouldn't dare risk my life just to ride a motorcycle. Just seems so risky with all the inattentive/shitty drivers that populate the streets.
Those are some serious injurys op, hope you recovery quickly. Sounds brutal.