I certainly can't speak for your younger family members but in my personal experience I stalled out playing chess when I was much younger because I mainly wanted to win games and see the variants of the moves as the game played out. I was "stuck in bronze" for a good year before I asked a fellow at a chess club how he thought I should improve. He gave me a book that opened with the concept of thinking of the wooden pieces as actual mini-armies.
I didn't read past that point because it intrigued me so much. I immediately started playing games with this new perspective of actually caring about my "little guys" instead of my "pieces." I immediately improved by a fair bit. After a month I went back and read the rest of the book about strategies, openings, gambits etc which helped also but my initial improvement came simply from thinking of the game differently.
I think bronzies are so focused on minor basic things like winning, or using a battlecruiser, etc that they basically forget/never realize the game is about trades, economy, supply lines, etc etc. They get stuck in a rut of mono-perceptive thinking and therefor never improve.
I would venture to say the replay packs you view will show one main thing. Repetitive, non-adaptive thinking. I would venture to say this is the reason many bronzies blame the game or the noob strategy of the other player on their losses. They literally aren't trying to adapt but are stuck in a rut of thinking the repetitive things they are doing should work and thereby never adapt or change their perspective on the game.
In most thought competition type games the first thing that will improve a very low level player is them learning how to think about the game rather than just play it. After they begin to actively think then other things such as mechanics, memorization, practice, come into play but usually the initial block on very low level play is simply a matter of perspective.
All of the above is said regarding players stuck in a low level rut, it isn't meant to refer to very little kids, brand new to rts people, or people that have no interest in improving but play for the simple joy of it.
Anyway, looking forward to what you find!
it's either cause of a learning disability or no real desire to improve/google skills. So many resources out there these days
^ I was about to post that.
How could you genuinely believe every one wants to improve? I sure can name a few of my friends that just play for fun, rage when they lose, don't understand why, still launch a new game knowing they will likely lose, lose it, and the cycle continues.
They, imo, never looked to improve. Never put any extra time into the game than just the time when they play, and that's it. No replay, no VODs, no stream, no forum browsing, nada. Just play, then do something else.
Casual gamers.
Edit : my friends were terrible when I think about it... I can remember at least 3 playstyles clearly (SC:BW) :
One was always, every game, every map, going for carriers on 2 bases. Mass cannons into mass carriers, guaranteed (No other units, because only carriers are good ; and you need cannons to delay things).
Other one was always playing Terran and turtling like a madman on a single base (and making the worst excuses when asked for help). Would eventually get a second base after a while, and spend rest of the game turtling both of those bases. Yes it was somewhat hard to kill him early to mid-game, but you could also ignore him and kill his 2 bases last.
Another would be your typical casual gamer : making a little bit of everything (and a very little bit of workers...) and then attack random things with 10ish units, without micro, into failure.
Oh my god, I was like a Korean in our LANs...
Ok, the email address for submissions and a G+ page for keeping tabs on progress have been added to the OP.
You might like to split the prize up into smaller portions. $50 might be incentive to tryhard, say $10 each is just "Hey I take some time zip replays up np"
On March 14 2012 20:52 cascades wrote: You might like to split the prize up into smaller portions. $50 might be incentive to tryhard, say $10 each is just "Hey I take some time zip replays up np"
I'll leave it as it is. I may run another of these and change the way it works next time, though.
On March 15 2012 08:10 Laertes wrote: Hi, I posted in the other blog by Gheed but wanted to respond to a post about chess. I was once a bronze player(I no longer consider myself part of the "starcraft 2 league" complex), but I have been stuck for 1000 games in bronze, and don't care much anymore, I don't do melee, aside from the occasional macromicro on the shattered temple(cause i'll admit it, that shit is FUN), but so too, am I a rather amazing chess player. I'm almost master level in rating, but I just suck hard at Starcraft 2, go figure. Anyway, regardless, I want to note that Starcraft is a strange monster, I honestly don't know if being in bronze means your stupid or anything, but being as good as I am in chess, I would that there is some intelligence in me. Anyway, I never went back to Starcraft 2 league...I roll with a different crew now, and I think I'm rather decent at this LoTRish that I play, anyway, I hope this helps dispel any rumours about bronze players being "unintelligent"
You're the guy that spent the time to insult and criticize his blog but denied being drone rushed. Masters level chess player indeed. I'm pretty sure this post explains exactly what Gheed spent so many blogs pointing out. People that play hundreds of games in bronze but refuse to learn simply can not understand they are delusional. I played "masters" like you in chess too.
ps its rumors not rumours
On March 15 2012 11:11 Laertes wrote:Show nested quote +On March 15 2012 09:26 Synwave wrote:On March 15 2012 08:10 Laertes wrote: Hi, I posted in the other blog by Gheed but wanted to respond to a post about chess. I was once a bronze player(I no longer consider myself part of the "starcraft 2 league" complex), but I have been stuck for 1000 games in bronze, and don't care much anymore, I don't do melee, aside from the occasional macromicro on the shattered temple(cause i'll admit it, that shit is FUN), but so too, am I a rather amazing chess player. I'm almost master level in rating, but I just suck hard at Starcraft 2, go figure. Anyway, regardless, I want to note that Starcraft is a strange monster, I honestly don't know if being in bronze means your stupid or anything, but being as good as I am in chess, I would that there is some intelligence in me. Anyway, I never went back to Starcraft 2 league...I roll with a different crew now, and I think I'm rather decent at this LoTRish that I play, anyway, I hope this helps dispel any rumours about bronze players being "unintelligent" You're the guy that spent the time to insult and criticize his blog but denied being drone rushed. Masters level chess player indeed. I'm pretty sure this post explains exactly what Gheed spent so many blogs pointing out. People that play hundreds of games in bronze but refuse to learn simply can not understand they are delusional. I played "masters" like you in chess too. ps its rumors not rumours Alright man, you don't believe I'm a near master rated chess player, that's your beef, but honestly, I don't think too much depends upon a real time strategy game, I'm musical too you know, I write amazing songs  . But I guess you don't believe that either though right? cause I'm a bronze player. sickening.
Bronze has nothing to do with it but the smell of certain bodily excretions certainly does. Make em musical though!
On March 15 2012 09:26 Synwave wrote:Show nested quote +On March 15 2012 08:10 Laertes wrote: Hi, I posted in the other blog by Gheed but wanted to respond to a post about chess. I was once a bronze player(I no longer consider myself part of the "starcraft 2 league" complex), but I have been stuck for 1000 games in bronze, and don't care much anymore, I don't do melee, aside from the occasional macromicro on the shattered temple(cause i'll admit it, that shit is FUN), but so too, am I a rather amazing chess player. I'm almost master level in rating, but I just suck hard at Starcraft 2, go figure. Anyway, regardless, I want to note that Starcraft is a strange monster, I honestly don't know if being in bronze means your stupid or anything, but being as good as I am in chess, I would that there is some intelligence in me. Anyway, I never went back to Starcraft 2 league...I roll with a different crew now, and I think I'm rather decent at this LoTRish that I play, anyway, I hope this helps dispel any rumours about bronze players being "unintelligent" You're the guy that spent the time to insult and criticize his blog but denied being drone rushed. Masters level chess player indeed. I'm pretty sure this post explains exactly what Gheed spent so many blogs pointing out. People that play hundreds of games in bronze but refuse to learn simply can not understand they are delusional. I played "masters" like you in chess too. ps its rumors not rumours I dont disagree with your main point but I'd like to point out that some of us spell rumours with a U.
Edit: Removed what I suppose could be seen as a country bash. Wasn't my intention, just kinda irks me >_>
Ok, we're veering a little out of the "let's do something fun together" zone I'd envisioned. Keep it civil, guys.