I once had a friend. He was my best friend ever and we spent a lot of time together. He was always there for me.
We knew each other for years. We had been through thick and thin. One day, my friend met this girl.
I was happy for him you know? I was glad that he was finally getting laid as well as some emotional support and all that. I was really happy for him.
However turns out the girl was a total bitch and changed him. I wish it was somebody else he had found instead of this fucking bitch. Like I said I was glad he was getting laid, But I wish it was somebody else less strict and controlling.
He started dressing differently, wearing dress shirts and shit. I love the fact that he is happy and is getting laid. But I just want my friend back. I miss the old him, I have known him since 1995.
I miss you Bioware. Please dump that bitch EA and get yourself a real girl who treats you right! Regardless, I still love you Bioware, And I know you are still there for me, However I am starting to feel like a 3rd wheel and its obvious you put her ahead of me.
Sincerely The gaming community.
Yo dawg wtf? That controlling bitch makes him wear dress shirts?
Well that's one way to put it...
This is how I felt after TOR came out. I expected something great and got something worthless. T.T for sure. Dump her...she only loved the money you brought in anyway.
Some context for those that don't follow BioWare community fallout news?
ahaha I can't believe I didn't get it! haha I look like an idiot now, whoopsies.
On March 09 2012 17:17 Grumbels wrote: Some context for those that don't follow BioWare community fallout news?
Basically bioware has Ea as a publisher, so they get a ton of money to get great games. But they get released before they are ready. And make you pay a ton more extra content and have terrible customer support and forcing you to be online to play single player games.
So basically its a good thing that they get money from EA to make games, but there are a lot of bad things too, So I wish that they could have another publisher give them money without all the bad things that go along with EA
omg dress shirts... the worstttttt..
You know, if he's happy you should be happy. Also, you need to talk to him. Not aggressively, based on your hurt feelings, but objectively and present facts of how he's changed and how it's affected you. Tell him that he needs to re-evaluate his situation and that you will be moving on if he doesn't come around. Crying about it on the internet won't solve anything.
Also, if you chose to move on, the do so completely. Don't go crawling back every time he calls to apologize. If you've been hurt enough times just don't answer the phone when he calls the next time.
It's ok, he could have met Zynga you know.
I LoL'd so hard.
Job well done sir. Hahahaha.
Get your own gf and stop being a jealous bastard ;D
haha this rmeinds me of me! My ex changed me for the worst too haha
Made me dress didfferent, wear my hair in a certain style which iw asnt comfortable with and kind of alientated me from my previous friends!!!
Note to anyone, if a girl tries changing you then end it right there and then!!!
I don't think everybody gets it :p
On March 09 2012 19:04 Ulfsark wrote: I don't think everybody gets it :p Or maybe they do and you don't get their replies? :|
this needed to be longer. When you do this you have to go all out, and make sure to include one little too personal bit that makes us think twice even in retrospect as to what you really meant.