So far I've been having an awesome time. The food and clothes are cheap and very very nice, and so are bus/metro/taxi fares. What really stood out for me so far was the sheer abundance and variety of food there were everywhere you went, the po jang ma chas and marlboro black menthol cigarettes. A pack of 20 menthols for less than 2 quid? You barely taste the smoke? What is this sorcery?
I'm planning to go to as much bw/sc2 events as possible and get some autographs/pictures as a bonus. So far I've been to the gom tv studios twice and to the gsl finals. It was awesome to meet other TLers in Korea at the finals, and I managed to get an autograph from the casting trio, boxer and nada. I'm planning on going to the gstl this friday and the proleagues in the weekend.
I do have a few questions regarding proleague though. When are the playoffs and the finals happening? I'm going back to England in 3 or 4 weeks, and it'd be nice if I could watch the proleague finals.
I've yet to find a method to transfer photos from my phone to my laptop as I'm an idiot and forgot the cable. No photos yet.
During my second week, there's been considerable less amounts of moving about and much more visit to the dentist/orthodontist for the prep. Now I've got dental braces and have got half my wisdom teeth removed, the remaining half to be extracted sometime next week I'm guessing. This has become a major obstacle in one of my goals in korea; eat everything that looks nice and continue eating til I run out of money. Maybe eating hard solids would feel less awkward before I get back to the UK, but until then no proper korean bbq for me.
On a different note- I've tried these mojito cigarettes that seem to be so popular here along with the menthols. Whoever told me they taste like mojitos have been lying. I regretted the purchase almost immediately.
SC2 wise, I went to the GSTL ogs vs MVP game. I think the highlight of the game was Dongraegu treating everyone there- the fans, the players and the staff, to free pizzas. They weren't even cheese and tomato pizzas, he went the extra distance and got proper toppings on all them pizzas. Unfortunately this was the day right after I had braces fitted. I gave away the whole pizza to the white guys next to me. Couldn't even touch a slice.
BW wise, I finally went on my pilgrimage to Yongsan and behold, skt vs t8 and kt v ace. I ran into a few other foreigners/tlers there. One guy was an aussie and the other one a canadian, but we were all asian so I don't think we got much screen time.
I think I arrived about an hour early, but still had to stand at the back and my god was the place packed and lively. One thing I noted was that the average bisu fangirl knew a shit load more about starcraft than I did. Another thing I noted was that bunkie is scary and quite possibly a heartless bastard. The guy had like 30 skt fan shirts to give out. Every single one of them went to a fan girl. Plus during the intervals he danced to k pop as if he were possessed. I tried my best to not look into the black abyss that were his eyes. I was scared for my life momentarily.
After the game, the tiny tl group decided to follow the fangirls in an attempt to get some autographs and pictures of bisu. We waited quite a while and there were no signs of the players, and the fan girls seemed to have dispersed somewhere else. During out wait the KT team walked past us to get ready for their game. Flash was alot shorter than I expected. We were about to give up but no- fantasy appeared before us. He signed our stuff and walked back into the building. Content, the small fellowship of TLers decided to part ways as it appeared that I alone wanted to watch KT.
As I overheard that flash was going to play in the first set, I decided to have a little smoke break. I thought the result was going to be a bit obvious as the opponent was m18m. However suddenly the horde of fan girls emerged back outside. I was initially confused since I didn't quite understand why they were here- the game was still on-going. However from the corner of my eyes I saw a number of figures wearing bright orange clothing.
And that was the story of how I got best's autograph and a picture with fantasy and best. Didn't get close to bisu. Too many fangirls.
I did not go to the cj/khan game the following day as Onester probably is some sort of ancient horror/homicidal mascot/devourer of souls. I am probably gonna go the the playoffs this weekend and the gstl as well if I have time.
Le pictures links
DRG finally winning a gsl.
Line for people who didn't have seats. I was at the front, there were quite alot of people lined up behind me.
I hate this guy.
I think he hates me back. He started asserting his alpha masco male status by dancing during the ad breaks.
Victorious empire.
Fellowship of foreign but not white TLers trying to get a glimpse of skt.
Fantasy, the beloved hero of the day for the fellowship. The only guy that actually came over to us.
They all have very nice shoes.
My wait was not in vain. Shame the other TL guys left before this.
Not in picture was his entourage of fangirls.
Mantoss. I could feel my iccup rank rise in his presence.
The guys that put a stop in my effort to get reach's autograph.