I wasn't sure where else to post this so I decided to make a blog. I just got done with one of the most epic games of DotA 2 I have ever played. I don't wanna bore you guys with too many details but the beginning of the game was pretty terrible. I was bottom, as Dazzle, and my lane partner decided to leave me to defend the tower by myself. For like 5-10 mins.
So I farmed what I could and tried not to die. Also tried to keep the tower alive as Long as possible. Our Tiny was pretty terrible for the first like 25 mins of the game. So was our Void. Getting caught out of position several times. Tiny wouldn't even get his combo down every time we tried to gank some people and teamfight.
It wasn't looking good for the game. They had us pushed to our Tier 3 Towers and were really driving for our mid rax. But we kept holding them off and holding them off, Dazzle Ult for the win! Clutch graves here and there, they just couldn't push in. So we sat there and farmed, farmed, farmed. Tiny and Void would still get caught. I tried buying wards and warding stuff up but they still got caught out. So I decided I would just farm myself and try to help carry the game in my own support way that I could as Dazzle.
I ended up finishing the game with an Urn/Arcane Boots/Mek/Pipe/Heart. That's right. I said a Heart. I was able to farm all of that in this epicly long almost 1 hr game. I was able to keep the carries alive and keep us all up in team fights. At about the 40-45 min mark or so we started taking more and more teamfights. Eventually got mid raxes. Next teamfight we crush them only lose Tiny I think. Every major teamfight at least 2 of the carries and myself stay alive. We break their spirit and they give up after one final teamfight where we wipe them. Then we push the bottom raxs and into the base for the win.
These types of games are why I play DotA. I LOVE being able to come back. I LOVE the intense moments that occur as I'm trying to keep my team alive as a support(especially true for Dazzle). I LOVE DOTA!
Wow I rambled quite a bit more than I had expected to lol. Well of course as proof of the Win and the items I had here is the obligatory pic:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/q79kL.png)
When your GPM as a support is higher than your Void, and to an extent Tiny, something's wrong. lol Good job though. Fighting for the comeback and winning it is the greatest feeling you can get from this game, especially if you played a significant role in doing it. Again, congrats!
On February 28 2012 15:00 Selth wrote: When your GPM as a support is higher than your Void, and to an extent Tiny, something's wrong. lol Good job though. Fighting for the comeback and winning it is the greatest feeling you can get from this game, especially if you played a significant role in doing it. Again, congrats!
Lol Thanks! I never said it was a high level game lol. I did decide to end the night on that game though. Figured I'd rather not press my luck and end the night on a loss rather than that awesome victory. Dazzle is my favorite hero by far.
Personally I like the pro circling job you did on your name in the score board lolol <3 but really I love these kinds of comeback wins.
haha battlefury on Doom. I used to do that too! Butterfly on AA...pro
On February 28 2012 15:12 cmen15 wrote: Personally I like the pro circling job you did on your name in the score board lolol <3 but really I love these kinds of comeback wins.
Hey man it was hard to circle that sucker free hand! <3
reminds me of the game i played the other day. we destroyed 2 raxes. we still lost. stupid silencer and last word combined with doom
Netherlands45349 Posts
butter aa bfury slard bfury doom skadi razor stacking hyperstones on silencer
only 1 guinsoo
what the fuck
also guinsoo is often better then heart on dazzle, but good thing that you had a great game.
On February 28 2012 15:41 Kipsate wrote: butter aa bfury slard bfury doom skadi razor stacking hyperstones on silencer
only 1 guinsoo
what the fuck
also guinsoo is often better then heart on dazzle, but good thing that you had a great game.
I don't doubt it probably is, but I also felt that the other team knew if they could kill me then they'd prob be able to kill my team and win. I basically wanted to do everything in my power to not die....so I farmed up a heart lol. I'm certainly glad it worked out, that's for sure lol.
Not surprising that Void and Tiny had similar scores since they are friends.
On February 29 2012 05:43 English wrote: Not surprising that Void and Tiny had similar scores since they are friends.
Lolol I didn't notice that at all. Nice catch sir lol.