But I've come to the realization that I just plain suck at this game, or at least at Terran. I don't have the micro ability to use MMMG properly in TvP, nor do I actually understand the TvZ/TvT matchup. As a matter of fact, TvZ has always been my worst matchup, even during beta when Terran was at its strongest. I've come to terms with actually being awful at this game. I've gotten GM or typically placed top regional masters every season, but I find myself not improving anymore. I think I've hit my threshold and I seem to just become frustrated at most losses now.
So I've decided to just play for fun, not to actually improve or get higher ranked or anything like that, but actually just for fun. A crazy concept, no?
So tonight I started laddering as protoss instead of Terran (because the grass is greener, ya hear?) and I think I did alright. I ended up going 4-2, losing a PvP and a PvT marine/scv allin. But I wanted something more relaxed, where I can just screw around and do what I want. Sure I could just tank my rating but its much easier to just play on a newer account... so without further ado I present "NrGTerranSux".
This is going to be my fun account where I'm going to be playing random and doing wacky and fun stuff. I've always wanted to experiment with other races but I never really got around to it. I also plan to create a blog series and upload every single replay from this account. It's currently in silver but I'll play it up to my "true" random skill. If I'm ever in the mood I may end up streaming some sessions as well, but its unlikely.
So heres the first game!: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/41022690/NrGTerranSux/NrGTerranSux - Game 1.SC2Replay
Its a ZvZ vs some random guy named Jah from Switzerland. Hes apparently extremely odorous and his shower literally oozes feces, but hes alright in my book. Man people in silver league are much more enjoyable to play with than master/GM.
* PS: If anyone knows how to include links as titles please let me know! for example having a clickable URL with <Name> instead of a long url.
Silver League
Game 1 - Fun Chat - ZvZ
Game 2 - Boring Psi Storm - PvZ
Game 3 - Probe Rush - PvT
Game 4 - Ultralisku? - ZvP
Promoted to GOLD
Game 5 - TvP - Pure Raven/Auto Turret
Game 6 - ZvT - Banelings into AFK
Game 7 - ZvZ - Zerglings?
Game 8 - TvT - LOSS!
Game 9 - PvT - I'm NrGLuckyFool? MegumiXbear fan
Game 10 - ZvP - zzz