Well... I haven't played any SC2 since school started pretty much. (So I suck.) This semester though I don't have two jobs, so I started streaming on a group channel which is pretty fun. Today I played my placement matches, and got into DIAMOND WEWT!
I don't even understand how, tbh. I definitely sucked pretty hardcore. My macro was really terribad. Scouting and map awareness was pretty good, and my mechanics didn't seem to have suffered too much. Mostly I won because my opponents were bad, and not because I was any good.
However, now I continue my streak of getting promoted every season that I have played. :D I'm gonna go celebrate with some cheezeburgerz and ice-cream! If I can get into masters I will start playing in the little tournaments! ^_^
Short blog is short cause it's time to partyyyy! :D
Congrats man. Definitely a great feeling, cherish the moments! Masters gogo!
Edit: Congrats woman, I mean! Internet assumptions, I guess. Thanks Demon xD
Good job! Maybe you felt like you were playing badly because you were in fact playing more naturally and were therefore able to see flaws in your own play more easily? It's happened to me before.
Btw Dalguno, it's woman not man
Good Job! I think it is because when you play too much, you tend to be serious and not have fun. That is why when you once again play sc2 after a long time of break, it brings you back to the feeling when you started playing and just having fun without the fear of losing. And thus performing well )
Haha. So random I got it from Prince of Tennis. But it definitely applies to me in my experiences ^_^
United States4796 Posts
For a dude you're pretty good at StarCaft.