Wednesday, the day after Season 6 began, came and I was more than eager to get home from my classes to begin work on the new Season. Alas, homework came up. A 4 page research paper, and another 3 page research paper. My dream of going up to a new league would have to be put on hold for the time being while I attended my Forensic Psychiatry paper and the Ptolemaic system. Google the last one if you want, it makes no sense but perfect sense at the same time.
9:30 came around and I was about to finish my first paper when my friend, SgValor, came on TeamSpeak taking a break from studying for his tests. He asked if I would play my placement match while he was on his break, but I politely declined knowing I needed to focus on my papers. The temptation grew by each second. All of the sudden, I realized I was streaming and playing my placement match.
I had the jitters but I was confident in my play. I was playing Plat's during the lock so I knew I would most likely get a high gold/low plat. I hit the "Go" button and the countdown began. Crap. I forgot to veto the new maps and I got a random. Crap. Luckily for me I politely asked what race he was and he told me. 75% of the time asking works every time.
It was like I was in a whole new dimension, creep tumors were spreading by the seconds, injections were perfectly timed, my scouting was spot on and told me everything I knew, and my macroing was on par. I was literally playing out of my mind and made great encounters, good surrounds, and made my opponent GG but still was in the game because he didn't want to give up. His lose and staying around made the victory from my roaches even sweeter as it took down every single one of his probes. I've never been so happy to destroy something so cute, as the probe.
He surrendered and I left the game immediately. The tension was there for me, but I knew if I got Gold I would quickly move out if my heart was up to it. Seconds went by and nothing showed up for me as the system calculated where I should be placed in the leagues compared to everyone else. What was it going to be? My viewers, intoxicated as they usually are, were talking about how funny it would be if I got Silver instead. Not cool guys.
Platinum. Platinum. Platinum. It finally happened. I screamed like a little girl frolicking in the fields of May enjoying the smell of the daisies and the beautiful sunshine! As a tear slowly trickled out of my eye I knew it was finally real, I did it. But I'm still not satisfied because there's still so much more work to do on my trek to Masters. I went from Bronze-Gold in one season. Gold for the next 3. Now I'm Platinum. Could I get Diamond before Season lock? Possibly? Season 7? More than likely.
Let's get it going. Stream, turned on. Music, playing. Water by my side, need to be refilled. Let's do this!