On February 16 2012 12:47 RBKeys wrote: Vanilla WoW: when 100gold was an unheard of number. I remember going around Stormwind and Ironforge with my friend to beg for money so we could buy our level 40 mounts.
Or how about pick-up raids to ransack horde towns? I remember going with 40 randoms and just demolishing cross-roads, but the Horde came from all over to defend.
Or early battlegrounds. When Alterac Valley would take like 3 hours . . . actually felt like a battle.
I miss it . . . wth 3 hour AV? All my AV bg's were 10+ hours :/ sad part is that I was Alliance and always losing. 10 hour pvp fest for 1 medal.
vanilla wow was so awesome. i remember on my mage i'd have to show up an hour or so just so i could make water for the raid LOL. world pvp was also too good. I remember we would hop on the roofs at darkshire and pick off lowbies till the world defense chat kicked in and the 60's started showing up. soooo much fun
Vanilla WoW was my favourite also. I cleared everything from MC to H LK. I barely played Cata, did normal T11 and nothing else. The game has 'improved' but lost all the lustre in the process. I'd much prefer to play Vanilla (and non T6 BC) with all of it's little quirks and time sinks, than Cataclysm with all of its streamlined, homogenous, boring, and decidedly lifeless improvements. It's really been downhill since WotLK. I pretty much began losing interest when they rehashed the best instance they'd ever made for the first raid tier 
And yeah, vanilla wow = AV's that went for DAYS more often than they went for 3 hours LOL
I play on the scriptcraft server. The OP really is unfair and bashes them. Rates are set by the player between 1 and 5 times, and its only an option to start at level 49 with green gear, mount and abilities. If you want, and there are a lot of people doing so, you can level 1-60 normal rates on scriptcraft too. Drop rates are normal regardless though; might be different sub 49.
Starting at level 49 isn't even bad either. If you can get past all the ganking, you see a lot of world PvP since everyone is being condensed into 49-60 leveling spots. It also removes a lot of the obselences risk from the server being shut down. The 5x also makes questing as a group more efficient, rather than slow you down as the original game did.
Its also the only private server I've seen that doesn't have an absolute shit core. In fact, its the best/closest server to the original that I have ever played on. AQ is just opening, and each side has 2-3 raiding guilds in MC/BWL.
On February 16 2012 12:54 CarbonTwelve wrote:Show nested quote +On February 16 2012 12:28 UmiNotsuki wrote: What happened to the experience of leveling your character the old fashioned way? The joy of questing and running instances and that thrill you get with every hard-earned "ding!" What about the joy of massive gaps in content where you had no choice but to grind on mobs for hours and hours (levels 53 to 57 for anyone)? Or playing a mage and having to drink for half a minute after every second mob during the mid 30s? Or being a pally in raids doing nothing but buffing 40 people every 5 minutes & cleansing in between? Or not being able to do anything for 15 minutes because you need to fly from Booty Bay to Iron Forge? Sorry, but IMO the vast majority of people who talk about how much better it was in vanilla really do have rose tinted glasses on. I stopped playing WoW about 2 years ago because I didn't like the direction it was going in, but I still know how many major improvements they made since vanilla.
As somebody who raided from Vanilla until the end of Cata, I can really agree with alot of these statements. There were alot of wonderful things about vanilla - world pvp, the sense of community in guilds, the sense of accomplishment in raiding, but there was alot of bullshit aswell.
-Clearing MC/Ony every week was literally the most boring thing in the entire world. I waited almost 2 years to get my left thunderfury binding, but it never dropped. -Unbelievable drama and guild loot-distribution tension. Yes, epics MEANT something, but that only increased the stress involved in the administrative part of raiding to extremes -Mat grinding for raids. Oh dear god. People who never made it into Vanilla naxx can't imagine how fucking awful this was. You'd grind mats for hours, turn in Ony head, clear ZG for the buff, pop hundreds of gold of consumables, and then you'd run in and have your MT die instantly to patchwerk because one of the healers dropped his collectable on the floor and his fat belly pressed the spacebar while he was leaning over to pick it up, breaking his GH cast (true story). -PvP rank grind being the most sadistic thing imaginable on competitive servers. -OH GOD FUCK AQ40 JESUS MFUCKING CHRIST
On February 16 2012 13:57 Fission wrote:Show nested quote +On February 16 2012 12:54 CarbonTwelve wrote:On February 16 2012 12:28 UmiNotsuki wrote: What happened to the experience of leveling your character the old fashioned way? The joy of questing and running instances and that thrill you get with every hard-earned "ding!" What about the joy of massive gaps in content where you had no choice but to grind on mobs for hours and hours (levels 53 to 57 for anyone)? Or playing a mage and having to drink for half a minute after every second mob during the mid 30s? Or being a pally in raids doing nothing but buffing 40 people every 5 minutes & cleansing in between? Or not being able to do anything for 15 minutes because you need to fly from Booty Bay to Iron Forge? Sorry, but IMO the vast majority of people who talk about how much better it was in vanilla really do have rose tinted glasses on. I stopped playing WoW about 2 years ago because I didn't like the direction it was going in, but I still know how many major improvements they made since vanilla. As somebody who raided from Vanilla until the end of Cata, I can really agree with alot of these statements. There were alot of wonderful things about vanilla - world pvp, the sense of community in guilds, the sense of accomplishment in raiding, but there was alot of bullshit aswell. -Clearing MC/Ony every week was literally the most boring thing in the entire world. I waited almost 2 years to get my left thunderfury binding, but it never dropped. -Unbelievable drama and guild loot-distribution tension. Yes, epics MEANT something, but that only increased the stress involved in the administrative part of raiding to extremes -Mat grinding for raids. Oh dear god. People who never made it into Vanilla naxx can't imagine how fucking awful this was. You'd grind mats for hours, turn in Ony head, clear ZG for the buff, pop hundreds of gold of consumables, and then you'd run in and have your MT die instantly to patchwerk because one of the healers dropped his collectable on the floor and his fat belly pressed the spacebar while he was leaning over to pick it up, breaking his GH cast (true story). -PvP rank grind being the most sadistic thing imaginable on competitive servers. -OH GOD FUCK AQ40 JESUS MFUCKING CHRIST Uhg...
You are right, but those are the trade offs to make such an immersive world that vanilla provided. People fail to realize that there are always trade offs to be made, which really hinders their ability to know what they want (grass always greener?).
Look at world PvP. Vanilla had some amazing world PvP; I remember getting our MT his TF and 2 alliance guilds showing up, creating an absolute shit storm for a couple hours in silithus. Trade off? Nothings protecting you from getting ganked over and over and over again while leveling your alt.
Same idea with flying mounts. Sweet, no more flight paths and easily traveling. Trade off? Death of world pvp, condesed to who can have more dudes flying over a zone to snipe you the second you touch the ground.
The list goes on, but no need to continue.
Old WoW seems really bad.
TBC is probably some of the worst stuff I've ever played; it's just so tedious and repetitive. With Cata, the 1-60 was fun... then TBC hit. I couldn't bring myself to level through that.
Old WoW versions (vanilla and BC) are a state of mind, IMO. I don't think a private server could quite capture the zeitgeist that existed when they were current. As tempting as these servers are, I'll just keep those times locked away as a memory.
ahh the old days... they were the best. my good old enhance sham!! : )
Ah vanilla wow. The best mmo I have ever played. The raids were difficult and rewarding, pvp was actually fun, world pvp was abundant, and alterac valley matches could last for days. I remember going to bed one night after playing in one alterac valley for 4 hours and waking up to join the same game. So good.
On February 16 2012 14:09 Razith wrote:Show nested quote +On February 16 2012 13:57 Fission wrote:On February 16 2012 12:54 CarbonTwelve wrote:On February 16 2012 12:28 UmiNotsuki wrote: What happened to the experience of leveling your character the old fashioned way? The joy of questing and running instances and that thrill you get with every hard-earned "ding!" What about the joy of massive gaps in content where you had no choice but to grind on mobs for hours and hours (levels 53 to 57 for anyone)? Or playing a mage and having to drink for half a minute after every second mob during the mid 30s? Or being a pally in raids doing nothing but buffing 40 people every 5 minutes & cleansing in between? Or not being able to do anything for 15 minutes because you need to fly from Booty Bay to Iron Forge? Sorry, but IMO the vast majority of people who talk about how much better it was in vanilla really do have rose tinted glasses on. I stopped playing WoW about 2 years ago because I didn't like the direction it was going in, but I still know how many major improvements they made since vanilla. As somebody who raided from Vanilla until the end of Cata, I can really agree with alot of these statements. There were alot of wonderful things about vanilla - world pvp, the sense of community in guilds, the sense of accomplishment in raiding, but there was alot of bullshit aswell. -Clearing MC/Ony every week was literally the most boring thing in the entire world. I waited almost 2 years to get my left thunderfury binding, but it never dropped. -Unbelievable drama and guild loot-distribution tension. Yes, epics MEANT something, but that only increased the stress involved in the administrative part of raiding to extremes -Mat grinding for raids. Oh dear god. People who never made it into Vanilla naxx can't imagine how fucking awful this was. You'd grind mats for hours, turn in Ony head, clear ZG for the buff, pop hundreds of gold of consumables, and then you'd run in and have your MT die instantly to patchwerk because one of the healers dropped his collectable on the floor and his fat belly pressed the spacebar while he was leaning over to pick it up, breaking his GH cast (true story). -PvP rank grind being the most sadistic thing imaginable on competitive servers. -OH GOD FUCK AQ40 JESUS MFUCKING CHRIST Uhg... You are right, but those are the trade offs to make such an immersive world that vanilla provided. People fail to realize that there are always trade offs to be made, which really hinders their ability to know what they want (grass always greener?). Look at world PvP. Vanilla had some amazing world PvP; I remember getting our MT his TF and 2 alliance guilds showing up, creating an absolute shit storm for a couple hours in silithus. Trade off? Nothings protecting you from getting ganked over and over and over again while leveling your alt. Same idea with flying mounts. Sweet, no more flight paths and easily traveling. Trade off? Death of world pvp, condesed to who can have more dudes flying over a zone to snipe you the second you touch the ground. The list goes on, but no need to continue.
Yea the nature of the grind simply changed as far as you wanting to maintain a higher standard was concerned. People fail to realise that while the game may have gotten easier the reason some of highest level of content was getting cleared more easily than a Vanilla Nax later on was because people just got better at the game (this doesnt apply to WOTLK though).
Point being there was always something you could do to be better than everyone else at the highest level. I did it, I got all my Mimirons heads and Invincibles and Zulian Tigers way before everyone else did and the few months that (cept for the tiger lol). Its simply that the have nots in terms of gear and such eventually tended to balance out in time for new content. Which is fine with me I liked the fact that my competition wasnt to far behind or almost the same level starting new content. Other people maybe didint.
If I take my knowledge of the game back now to Vanilla to a Vanilla only server I could probably breeze through it no problem. There are only so many things they couldve done with wow to keep it fresh and they did a good job. Now not so much.
Rose tinted glasses indeed. I honestly cant say what the best time was and I played at pretty much the highest level (Ok I didnt get past 4 horseman) post Vanilla and a pretty decent one during and aside from WOTLK being garbage I cant say one was better than the other from a competitive aspect. I dont get how sinking your time into 10 hr bgs was ever a good thing all people did was complain about them when it was happening. World PVP was nice though but when you went to open the gates and the servers crashed it wasnt so much fun then was it ?
On February 16 2012 13:44 shannn wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On February 16 2012 12:47 RBKeys wrote: Vanilla WoW: when 100gold was an unheard of number. I remember going around Stormwind and Ironforge with my friend to beg for money so we could buy our level 40 mounts.
Or how about pick-up raids to ransack horde towns? I remember going with 40 randoms and just demolishing cross-roads, but the Horde came from all over to defend.
Or early battlegrounds. When Alterac Valley would take like 3 hours . . . actually felt like a battle.
I miss it . . . wth 3 hour AV? All my AV bg's were 10+ hours :/ sad part is that I was Alliance and always losing. 10 hour pvp fest for 1 medal.
3 hours, if I wasn't lucky enough to win in that time, is as long as I would allow myself to stay
On February 16 2012 15:24 Gheed wrote: Old WoW versions (vanilla and BC) are a state of mind, IMO. I don't think a private server could quite capture the zeitgeist that existed when they were current. As tempting as these servers are, I'll just keep those times locked away as a memory. agree 100% that being said, I'd love to travel back and relive that time so much fun
use to love the world PvP in vanilla. but the levelling times and MC taking like 6 hours... and of course level 50-60 was always so long! lol
They have made it better with the levelling, at least now you can level on mobs and quests quick enough and dont have to do MASSIVE grinds to get up in levels!!!
On February 16 2012 18:49 fanta[Rn] wrote:Show nested quote +On February 16 2012 15:24 Gheed wrote: Old WoW versions (vanilla and BC) are a state of mind, IMO. I don't think a private server could quite capture the zeitgeist that existed when they were current. As tempting as these servers are, I'll just keep those times locked away as a memory. agree 100% that being said, I'd love to travel back and relive that time  so much fun
I think the thing I miss the most about vanilla WoW is just how much spare time I had in my life 7 years ago...
On February 16 2012 19:01 Tommylew wrote: and of course level 50-60 was always so long! lol
They have made it better with the levelling, at least now you can level on mobs and quests quick enough and dont have to do MASSIVE grinds to get up in levels!!!
Yup. I mentioned that earlier. Spending 6-8 hours per level for 53-57 on my pally grinding mobs in WPL/EPL was just insanely stupid.
Thank god they sped up the leveling. It was so tilting back in vanilla to have all your friends at 60. Completely separated from you in another world, as you drudged on grinding endlessly. All my memories from vanilla sucked, mainly cause I quit after a month when I had only reached 26, which had a 1-2 hour grind after 6-8 bars of exp.
On February 16 2012 15:24 Gheed wrote: Old WoW versions (vanilla and BC) are a state of mind, IMO. I don't think a private server could quite capture the zeitgeist that existed when they were current. As tempting as these servers are, I'll just keep those times locked away as a memory.
Pretty much this.
I recently started playing some on another server, got to 60 and did some ZG/MC/BWL, but it was really different and not at all so epic as back in 2004/2005. Mostly i think that the community plays the biggest role for me, i miss too many people
Burning Crusade was much better than Vanilla. I actually quit in September '07 so I never had to experience the next two expansions, but from what I hear they were dreadful.
I've edited the OP to include a how-to guide on getting started in The Rebirth. I don't know what's a matter with all these haters, Vanilla WoW is just as fun today as I remember it back in 2004 (if not more!) Maybe they should give it a shot before saying it's only good through rose-tinted glasses...
Oh well, no skin off my back :D Keep being awesome TL.
On February 16 2012 23:30 UmiNotsuki wrote: I've edited the OP to include a how-to guide on getting started in The Rebirth. I don't know what's a matter with all these haters, Vanilla WoW is just as fun today as I remember it back in 2004 (if not more!) Maybe they should give it a shot before saying it's only good through rose-tinted glasses...
Oh well, no skin off my back :D Keep being awesome TL.
Then you probably didnt sink as much time into it as some people did. Besides its not that Vanilla was not as good as the later expansions just that it isnt particularly appealing to go back to it. Honestly no wants to play a FM and wand patchwerk for 3 minutes waiting for an evo to pop shoot 4 spells run out of mana and then repeat. Items were a mess. But I guess if you want to just run around level and explore then its probably more than good enough. Some people played it for different reasons.