Just found the world of custom WoW servers. Such a good feeling to be back in the good ol' days when the level cap was 60 and it took three times as long to go from 1-60 as it does to go from 1-85 in Cataclysm. I've started draining my life into this game again, forgot how long it's been since before I had a truly addicting MMO to play xD All free too... >.> Without the drain on my wallet it's hard to find a reason to put the game down.
I started out first with a server called World of Scriptcraft. Some of you may have heard of it because it was apparently very popular on Reddit for a while when it was announced that it was up and running with good end-game raids. Problem is, Scriptcraft allows characters to start out at level 49 with a bunch of gear and all their abilities trained -- and then it lets you level at 8x experience rates. BORING! What happened to the experience of leveling your character the old fashioned way? The joy of questing and running instances and that thrill you get with every hard-earned "ding!"
This discontent led me to look elsewhere. Eventually, I found a much smaller server called The Rebirth. It's got no instant leveling and no increased leveling rates, and it's remarkably solid. I've spent the last few days of my life playing it, and the community, being so small, is very tight-knit and friendly.
The reason I got into all this is because I had to take a break from StarCraft. It's so infuriating and difficult for me (and I'm so darn bad at it!) that it was just ruining my life too often. I need to just never ladder again >.<
So yeah. WoW. Vanilla. The Rebirth. Awesome.
Sorry, just felt like telling everyone :D
EDIT: As requested, I'll do a short how-to for anyone interested in starting out on The Rebirth. There are instructions on The Rebirth's website but they aren't as clear as they perhaps could be.
Step 1: Download the WoW client. This doesn't need to be done through Blizzard or from a CD; I got mine from here.
Step 2: Once the torrent is done, run "Installer.exe," your "wow-1.12.0-engb-patch.exe," and then "wow-1.12.0-to-1.12.1-engb-patch.exe" files (wait for each to finish before starting the next.) During this step may be a good time to make your account (Step 4.)
Step 3: Go to your install path (the place on your hard drive you just installed WoW to) and open your "realmlist.wtf" file in any text editor (I used notepad.) Delete the text you find in it and replace it with "set Realmlist wow.therebirth.net" without the quotation marks.
Step 4: Make an account on www.therebirth.net by clicking on the "Account Creation" button on the right side of the page. Follow the instructions until your account is confirmed. (NOTE: I don't believe that the "Expansion" option matters; for reference I chose "Classic," but accounts are free so there's no problem if you make a mistake.)
Step 5: Run WoW.exe or Launcher.exe in the WoW install file and attempt to log in with the account info of the account you just registered on www.therebirth.net. If all goes well it should take you to a realm assignment page, and then assign you to "The Rebirth" server.
Step 6: Get your WoW on, baby.
I thought you were talking about vanilla flavored ice cream....God damn i love me some French Vanilla though.
Vanilla WoW is the best game I have ever played, having tried pretty much all middle-big name MMO's that have come out since.
Wish it could be 2004 all over again
Is there actually a large enough community to run low level instances? This sounds scarily fun, and by scarily I mean in regards to my health.
Vanilla WoW: when 100gold was an unheard of number. I remember going around Stormwind and Ironforge with my friend to beg for money so we could buy our level 40 mounts.
Or how about pick-up raids to ransack horde towns? I remember going with 40 randoms and just demolishing cross-roads, but the Horde came from all over to defend.
Or early battlegrounds. When Alterac Valley would take like 3 hours . . . actually felt like a battle.
I miss it . . .
On February 16 2012 12:39 JadeFist wrote: Is there actually a large enough community to run low level instances? This sounds scarily fun, and by scarily I mean in regards to my health.
There's a good community if you join a good guild There are two or three large guilds on each faction with characters levels 1 through 60, and if you just look for a little bit instances are easy enough to get into. Come join us, on Alliance the guild Reservoir Troggs is recruiting and awesome :D
EDIT: Speaking of which, I actually ran Dead Mines twice today. Just for a reference of how much instance running you can actually expect.
On February 16 2012 12:47 RBKeys wrote: Vanilla WoW: when 100gold was an unheard of number. I remember going around Stormwind and Ironforge with my friend to beg for money so we could buy our level 40 mounts.
Or how about pick-up raids to ransack horde towns? I remember going with 40 randoms and just demolishing cross-roads, but the Horde came from all over to defend.
Or early battlegrounds. When Alterac Valley would take like 3 hours . . . actually felt like a battle.
I miss it . . .
Come back to it!!!<3
On February 16 2012 12:34 Silidons wrote:Vanilla WoW is the best game I have ever played, having tried pretty much all middle-big name MMO's that have come out since. Wish it could be 2004 all over again 
It can be :D New players sign up every day and remark aloud, "Wow! It's just like it's 200[4-6]!"
On February 16 2012 12:28 UmiNotsuki wrote: What happened to the experience of leveling your character the old fashioned way? The joy of questing and running instances and that thrill you get with every hard-earned "ding!"
What about the joy of massive gaps in content where you had no choice but to grind on mobs for hours and hours (levels 53 to 57 for anyone)? Or playing a mage and having to drink for half a minute after every second mob during the mid 30s? Or being a pally in raids doing nothing but buffing 40 people every 5 minutes & cleansing in between? Or not being able to do anything for 15 minutes because you need to fly from Booty Bay to Iron Forge?
Sorry, but IMO the vast majority of people who talk about how much better it was in vanilla really do have rose tinted glasses on. I stopped playing WoW about 2 years ago because I didn't like the direction it was going in, but I still know how many major improvements they made since vanilla.
World PvP was the shit. At around level 26-31 I would just hand around stonetalon mountains and kill as many horde as possible on my rogue. Level 60's would eventually show up and search EVERYWHERE for me, very fun times.
On February 16 2012 12:54 CarbonTwelve wrote:Show nested quote +On February 16 2012 12:28 UmiNotsuki wrote: What happened to the experience of leveling your character the old fashioned way? The joy of questing and running instances and that thrill you get with every hard-earned "ding!" What about the joy of massive gaps in content where you had no choice but to grind on mobs for hours and hours (levels 53 to 57 for anyone)? Or playing a mage and having to drink for half a minute after every second mob during the mid 30s? Or being a pally in raids doing nothing but buffing 40 people every 5 minutes & cleansing in between? Or not being able to do anything for 15 minutes because you need to fly from Booty Bay to Iron Forge? Sorry, but IMO the vast majority of people who talk about how much better it was in vanilla really do have rose tinted glasses on. I stopped playing WoW about 2 years ago because I didn't like the direction it was going in, but I still know how many major improvements they made since vanilla.
There were some improvements in the expansions, granted, but when a game like WoW goes from hard to convenient like it has it's overall just worse. Speaking from experience all those things you mentioned are actually good things because they serve to slow down the game and push more skill and sense of achievement into it.
Except the pally thing. That's just not true, Paladin's are active and helpful members of raids on a regular basis, serving as backup heals, backup tanking, AND a bit of extra DPS -- just like a hybrid should be.
On February 16 2012 12:56 Bloodluster wrote: World PvP was the shit. At around level 26-31 I would just hand around stonetalon mountains and kill as many horde as possible on my rogue. Level 60's would eventually show up and search EVERYWHERE for me, very fun times.
The Rebirth is full World PvP :D It's the same as you remember, someone starts ganking people and a mass of 60's rush in to start ganking the ganker, and much fun is had by all. In fact, it's a little MORE fun now because the smaller community results in rivalries all the time. I have guild mates regularly going on about how they "hate that fucking Horde Warlock, he seems to always know where I'm gonna spawn and fear me right away... anyone wanna come help me kick his ass for a few hours?"
I'm playing on Scriptcraft right now. I know what you mean about the insta-49, but when you leveled 6 characters to 60 in vanilla like me you really don't need to do it again 
Love vanilla wow, it's my second favorite next to BC overall and favorite in terms of PvE.
On February 16 2012 12:58 Gann1 wrote:I'm playing on Scriptcraft right now. I know what you mean about the insta-49, but when you leveled 6 characters to 60 in vanilla like me you really don't need to do it again  Love vanilla wow, it's my second favorite next to BC overall and favorite in terms of PvE.
Yeah, for some it works. For me, I got to level 59 the DAY before The Burning Crusade launched. I never QUITE got to experience all that high end stuff... I wanna go back to the good ol' days and have another chance. Personally I find the leveling process extremely fun, especially because this time around I rolled Alliance (was Horde 100% in retail) so I'm seeing the world from a totally different angle.
On February 16 2012 12:58 Gann1 wrote:I'm playing on Scriptcraft right now. I know what you mean about the insta-49, but when you leveled 6 characters to 60 in vanilla like me you really don't need to do it again  Love vanilla wow, it's my second favorite next to BC overall and favorite in terms of PvE. Speaking of BC are there any BC servers, it was kinda the pinnacle of WoW for me.
My favorite thing about classic WoW was that it actually felt like you were exploring the world. Classic EQ had a little too much of that, but WoW had just the right balance of freedom and guidance for me. Starting in BC, everything became so streamlined that it feels (at least to me) more like taking a tour than discovering stuff for myself. Raid bosses were generally much simpler than they became in the expansions, at least before Naxx, but there was something that made raiding more fun in classic that's hard to describe.
On February 16 2012 13:07 feanor1 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 16 2012 12:58 Gann1 wrote:I'm playing on Scriptcraft right now. I know what you mean about the insta-49, but when you leveled 6 characters to 60 in vanilla like me you really don't need to do it again  Love vanilla wow, it's my second favorite next to BC overall and favorite in terms of PvE. Speaking of BC are there any BC servers, it was kinda the pinnacle of WoW for me.
Yeah, but I don't know of any specific ones. I played on a BC arena server a couple years ago called arena-tournament, maybe it's still around?
On February 16 2012 12:34 Silidons wrote:Vanilla WoW is the best game I have ever played, having tried pretty much all middle-big name MMO's that have come out since. Wish it could be 2004 all over again 
It was only that good because it was new and so unlike anything else out there (other than maybe guild wars). If it relaunched today new, it would be just like any of the other mass of MMO's now.
Although the sence of accomplishment was significantly greater in Vanilla... you basically had shit gear unless you had a raiding guild. Raiding guild players would absolutely dominate PVP because there was no PVP gear. I do miss that.
On February 16 2012 13:07 feanor1 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 16 2012 12:58 Gann1 wrote:I'm playing on Scriptcraft right now. I know what you mean about the insta-49, but when you leveled 6 characters to 60 in vanilla like me you really don't need to do it again  Love vanilla wow, it's my second favorite next to BC overall and favorite in terms of PvE. Speaking of BC are there any BC servers, it was kinda the pinnacle of WoW for me.
They exist, if you're into that, for sure. Look it up, you'll probably find one :D
On February 16 2012 12:34 Silidons wrote:Vanilla WoW is the best game I have ever played, having tried pretty much all middle-big name MMO's that have come out since. Wish it could be 2004 all over again 
Ya i hear that a lot. I think it was because it felt so revolutionary at the time, and almost big MMO since then has felt like just a tweak to that current MMO formula. So when you first experience that game type it feels thrilling and exciting, but when you view the new patch notes or new expansion it seems like an unnatural deviation from what you already enjoyed. I'm hoping another revolutionary mmo comes out soon, I have some high hopes for GW2 but we'll see...
On February 16 2012 12:57 UmiNotsuki wrote:Show nested quote +On February 16 2012 12:54 CarbonTwelve wrote:On February 16 2012 12:28 UmiNotsuki wrote: What happened to the experience of leveling your character the old fashioned way? The joy of questing and running instances and that thrill you get with every hard-earned "ding!" What about the joy of massive gaps in content where you had no choice but to grind on mobs for hours and hours (levels 53 to 57 for anyone)? Or playing a mage and having to drink for half a minute after every second mob during the mid 30s? Or being a pally in raids doing nothing but buffing 40 people every 5 minutes & cleansing in between? Or not being able to do anything for 15 minutes because you need to fly from Booty Bay to Iron Forge? Sorry, but IMO the vast majority of people who talk about how much better it was in vanilla really do have rose tinted glasses on. I stopped playing WoW about 2 years ago because I didn't like the direction it was going in, but I still know how many major improvements they made since vanilla. There were some improvements in the expansions, granted, but when a game like WoW goes from hard to convenient like it has it's overall just worse. Speaking from experience all those things you mentioned are actually good things because they serve to slow down the game and push more skill and sense of achievement into it.
Umm, it wasn't hard. The only difference in difficulty in vanilla was that the vast majority of people didn't know what they were doing. Once people did know what they were doing you had raids 20 manning MC with tier 1 gear. And no, it's not more skillful to do the same thing for longer.
Except the pally thing. That's just not true, Paladin's are active and helpful members of raids on a regular basis, serving as backup heals, backup tanking, AND a bit of extra DPS -- just like a hybrid should be.
I raided with a pally during vanilla WoW. In MC a pally was a buff and cleanse bot. Nothing else. Sure, in smaller raids (ZG) and later content you started to heal a bit more (especially once the 30 min buffs were added), but in classic MC raiding you did nothing but buff and cleanse. Backup tanking? No way in hell. Not until TBC were pallies tanking in any raids. Druids sometimes (I played a tanking druid as well), but only very specific fights and situations.
Oh I miss the good old days of WoW. BC brought a little of it along, but by WotLK everything had gone to shit.
Nothing beats staying up until 3 in the morning exploring a new raid with all your friends.
On February 16 2012 13:08 Darpa wrote:Show nested quote +On February 16 2012 12:34 Silidons wrote:Vanilla WoW is the best game I have ever played, having tried pretty much all middle-big name MMO's that have come out since. Wish it could be 2004 all over again  It was only that good because it was new and so unlike anything else out there (other than maybe guild wars). If it relaunched today new, it would be just like any of the other mass of MMO's now.
Yep, exactly. It was new, it was most people's first MMO, and it did things a lot better than any other game at the time. That doesn't mean that it's better than what we've got now though.
Although the sence of accomplishment was significantly greater in Vanilla... you basically had shit gear unless you had a raiding guild. Raiding guild players would absolutely dominate PVP because there was no PVP gear. I do miss that.
Yes, there was more prestige from raiding then, mostly because raiding was so exclusive. But I really don't see that as a good thing. As someone who's time is a lot more limited these days than back then, I would hate to try playing an MMO that requires you to be able to play 4+ hour raiding sessions multiple times a week in order to have any progression at the end game.
On February 16 2012 13:16 CarbonTwelve wrote:Show nested quote +On February 16 2012 12:57 UmiNotsuki wrote:On February 16 2012 12:54 CarbonTwelve wrote:On February 16 2012 12:28 UmiNotsuki wrote: What happened to the experience of leveling your character the old fashioned way? The joy of questing and running instances and that thrill you get with every hard-earned "ding!" What about the joy of massive gaps in content where you had no choice but to grind on mobs for hours and hours (levels 53 to 57 for anyone)? Or playing a mage and having to drink for half a minute after every second mob during the mid 30s? Or being a pally in raids doing nothing but buffing 40 people every 5 minutes & cleansing in between? Or not being able to do anything for 15 minutes because you need to fly from Booty Bay to Iron Forge? Sorry, but IMO the vast majority of people who talk about how much better it was in vanilla really do have rose tinted glasses on. I stopped playing WoW about 2 years ago because I didn't like the direction it was going in, but I still know how many major improvements they made since vanilla. There were some improvements in the expansions, granted, but when a game like WoW goes from hard to convenient like it has it's overall just worse. Speaking from experience all those things you mentioned are actually good things because they serve to slow down the game and push more skill and sense of achievement into it. Umm, it wasn't hard. The only difference in difficulty in vanilla was that the vast majority of people didn't know what they were doing. Once people did know what they were doing you had raids 20 manning MC with tier 1 gear. And no, it's not more skillful to do the same thing for longer. Show nested quote +Except the pally thing. That's just not true, Paladin's are active and helpful members of raids on a regular basis, serving as backup heals, backup tanking, AND a bit of extra DPS -- just like a hybrid should be. I raided with a pally during vanilla WoW. In MC a pally was a buff and cleanse bot. Nothing else. Sure, in smaller raids (ZG) and later content you started to heal a bit more (especially once the 30 min buffs were added), but in classic MC raiding you did nothing but buff and cleanse. Backup tanking? No way in hell. Not until TBC were pallies tanking in any raids. Druids sometimes (I played a tanking druid as well), but only very specific fights and situations.
Especially because even though it may be more convenient to raid (at the entry level) there still exists challenging content in hard modes. I'm always surprised by how many people complain about WoW being "too easy" now but haven't cleared the content.