ok so on my last entry i was told i should make good posts.... so here goes with me trying to make a good post...wish me luck ^_^
ok so iv been playing SC2 for some time now and and loving the game, its so shiny :D although i am no were nearly as good as i wanna be...(i suck) but ill never leave it coz i really love the game.
but i am still to this day having troubles deciding on a race to stick to...
iv played protoss the most and have played them since beta but i find my self struggling a bit with them from time to time, late game, rush defending and in general scouting...
i have played quit a few games and when ever i play as zerg all the ppl i play against say i am much faster than when i play protoss... i dont see it but hey who am i to judge then on there points of view i really do enjoy playing as zerg i love there speed and the creepy is just so much fun when u have it creeping all the way to ur opponents base the only problems i have is i always forget to get anti air... but this is also a result of my poor scouting or lake there of O.o
i do now and then have problems with late game unless i go untralisk crazy backed up my a muta ball of note then its fun but otherwise i try end the game before i get to late game.
now as terran i have lots of problems... i think its just coz i dont really like then a whole lot i mean ya tank are epic thors are OP and stim marines early on can end a game.. but i guess i just hate the human race no offence to anyone reading this
so i guess it boils down to protoss or zerg...
now as i said i am slightly shitty at sc2 but really would like to improve... any advice from ppl will be much appreciated :D
oh and sorry for the shit spelling and grammar and all that its late and im tired
anyways bye bye for now :D
Just play with the race you have the most fun with. You could also use Random as well.
As the guy above me said, play the race you have the most fun with! Although you should also analyze what it is that you are best at in RTS in general. Zerg relies a lot on good macro mechanics and good army positioning. If you want to be successful at higher levels you need to be sure you know how to flank, how to position your units in regard to each other (i.e. keeping your Hydras behind your Roaches), and all the while keep injects and judge correctly when to make drones. On the other hand, higher level protoss relies on good micro during battles. You need to be good with hotkeys (i.e. keeping your Sentries and HT on separate tabs to trap and storm efficiently), kite well (microing your colossus backward when faced with speed roaches or stimmed marauders, kiting marines with stalkers, etc.), and have good individual unit control (blink micro). I would also argue that having the correct unit comp is most important for Protoss players as opposed to other races.
So from the things I just listed, analyze what you're best at, and make a decision that way. Luckily, chances are that the race you choose this way will also be the race you enjoy playing the most, since people have a tendency to enjoy doing that which they're best at.
RANDOM RANDOM RANDOM RANDOM RANDOM RANDOM RANDOM, Then after the 20th time playing random. The race you get by random is the race you play.
thank @PolskaGora ur post helps alot ill do so and see how it goes and i dont like random coz im always so lucky that i get T and fail
Random it up and try to learn all the races. Just play for fun which ever race you seem to have the most fun with play, just because you main one race doesn't mean you cant play others. I main protoss but i can play Terran/zerg at like a low diamond level. Most of SC2 is just mechanics the base is the same for all races but there are a few different things between races, but at the lowest level its just about making workers and not getting supply blocked.
Obviously you need to play Protoss. As much as I hate this threads are always same answers and all that crap, from personal point of view and own experience you should play Protoss. I did same as you, dropped Terran idea, chose Zerg over Protoss (same as your choice but reversed) and I don;t have any problems of that kind. Still occasionaly I offrace with Protoss for fun.
On February 13 2012 06:32 Aruno wrote: RANDOM RANDOM RANDOM RANDOM RANDOM RANDOM RANDOM, Then after the 20th time playing random. The race you get by random is the race you play.
NO, it is actually random until diamond. Play 100 games and choose your race.
Don't pick or not pick a race because you have specific problems in parts of their play now. What problems you think that you have will change over time without changing race.
There is nothing wrong with playing 2 races, you have no real need to pick.
But if you must choose go with which ever one you think is cool, fun, crazy, exciting, whatever. Reading what you wrote you have very little to say about protoss that is positive, just a few facts and problems. When you talk about Zerg you enthuse a lot, describing them with feeling. Reading that makes me think you really prefer Zerg, but you'd know best.
Maybe flip a coin and when one wins and you go "YAY" then pick the one that won, if one wins and you go "OH NOES!" then pick the one that lost.
United Kingdom10823 Posts
Play random for a decent number of games, then if you like a race above the others, pick that. Otherwise, keep randoming!
You should play Terran. They have the most units, upgrades and structures; so they are very diverse if you need them to be. They have a tier 1 unit that shoots air units, they can wall off to defend rushes easily, and they have scan so you'll lose to certain tech rushes (like Dark Templar, cloaked Banshee) less frequently. They also have a history of being the strongest at the highest level of play.
If you are new enough to the game not to know which race to play, Terran is the way to go.