I really don't like losing. Especially not to ladder scrubs.
It all started last week. After an epic string of wins smudged with a few intermittent losses, I started losing again. When it rains it pours. Last saturday was the senith of my losing streak, it sent me way into tilt and I stupidly stopped all-inning and tried to macro cheese my zerg opponents in the Ghosts of Tarsonis Campaign .
I lost. Every. Single. Match.
I had to kill a few puppies that night to vent my frustration, but the damage was done. I woke up the next day praying that there was another way to play PvZ. Not necessarily an all-in, just a way to cut through the cheesiness and overdronage and play a straight forward 2 base vs 2 base. Then I saw Nyast's thread on such a thing; a contain using cannons and ff's off a gate expansion.
I tried it and it gave me some wins but also some losses as I realized it's weakness; anything that kills a 1 gate expo kills it easy peasy, not to mention zerg who blindly mass roaches off two base because they can. When that happens, you cannot even get the contain up.
So now I am back to FFE in PvZ. Full circle. But, I am stronger for it. No longer do I blindly rush for robo, no I get sentries and hallucination. If I get attacked, the sentries are my salvation and if I don't then the hallucinations give me the scouting info I need to react and bring on the pain, whether it be an early third with gate way tech, 2 base collosus or a gateway all in. Safety first.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/yMFqr.jpg)
The typical start of a PvT when it's all that's saving me from demotion.
Similarly, my clutch PvT that has saved my mmr time and time again took a few hits and went from >60% win rate down to 58%.But the "how" was the most utterly humiliating. Namely I lost a PvT I had all but won. It all started with a marine rush that almost killed my nexus. but then wg finished and zealots warped in for the slice and dice with a lil help of my "F" key. He then expanded. I considered expanding myself, but I was feeling cocky, I took my third.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/cgwiK.jpg)
Yay for redundant FF's!
I slowly teched up to a collosus/high templar/archon deathball and kept denying his third while I kept gobbling up the map. Nevertheless something unnerved me; I couldn't get any scouting info. His base was lined with turrets and tanks, an inpenetrable fortress. Oh well, time to go for mass carriers. Nevermind the fact that I was already sitting on 200/200.
But then he switched from turtle terran to mass cloaked banshee multipronged-attack terran. Every one of my 8 expansions and my main got hit at once. I knew my multitasking wasn't good enough to save every base but I figured that if his army was attacking me his base would be undefended and I woudl win a base race anyway on account of having quadruple more bases than him and dps to boot.
I a-moved with confidence only to hear the loud shotgun blast of a dozen siegetanks one shotting my ground army.
The game went on, but it ended with me losing a 50minute game.
I checked his rank.... Gold
I leaped off my chair and shook violently, delicately took my colorful sc2 headset off that was brimming with red then ran out the door, doing an angry dance in the empty yard in the middle of an unsuspecting suburbia.
OOOOOOOH the humilation. A Gold. A f-ing Gold.
After punching the ground for 5minutes I collected myself and washed off the dirt before bnet stalking the man who dominated me harder than Mistress C.
Huh, That's interesting. 6 wins in a row against diamond protosses. Every single game was over 40 minutes long. I didn't feel so bad after that. I still kind of regretting not 8 gating him, but then I remembered his great wall of rax he built at his natural. I guess next time I should take a leaf out of my PvZ book and spam hallucinations to scout next time. Not that I think I will ever encounter him again.
Anyway so a day or so ago I started winning again, if only because the matchmaker pitied me and decided to give me easier opponents. I have stabilised but I can't help but to reflect on the change of my mentality.
Last week I was looking for the right kill sequence in every match, now I'm just trying to stay alive long enough for me to opportunize on my opponent's mistakes.