I feel so thrilled :D I finally managed to implement one of the major features I mentioned in my last blog (link). It took me a couple of days to program this (spent like 30 hours past 3 days).
I've managed to implement a menu where you could select a spell from a character and either attack or heal with it.
As a test I used images from another site's blog (got it bookmarked somewhere if you want to know) to test out and I saw an animation and healing although the code for restoring hp / removing hp has bugged somehow which I'll have to look into it today.
Using items will be the same so I can probably copy the whole code for the menu for spells.
I can't believe I'm actually almost done with the entire battle system.
The major things I have to implement are enemy AI and a database connection.
Things like multiple healing / damaging spells is not a must have function in the first version.
One of the things I didn't notice right away is that for a 2D game like this you'll need so many images for monsters/levels/items/spell animations that I really appreciate an artist's work in other games.
It really is imo an underrated task or I just never really payed attention to them before.
Like last time images of my new implementations:
(Note: the images in this game are just placeholders so that an artist can work with the measurements of the images and the positioning of these components)
This image is when you press the magic button (in the menu bottom left) to show the menu.
You can also remove the menu by pressing the same magic button in the menu.
This is the animation when you press cancel in the menu.