Before I go into the title of this blog, I am going to talk about my progress so far.
The past few days I played a total of like 3 terran. I beat all of them fairly easily. I'm getting more comfortable with infestors and broodlords now in all of my matchups.
Of all the toss I played, I beat a majority of them. I'm getting used to the transitions into late game now, and I don't fear the late game as much as I did before. I won 2 of my protoss games in the late game. Of the games I lost, they were mostly against gold players. I beat some gold players too.
ZvZ has to be the most tedious, micro-intensive matchup ever. I usually go roaches now instead of banelings, because roaches can take more baneling hits. I am winning some of these matchups, but if I'm kept contained early on, I end up losing. I just don't understand how zerg players stay on 1 base for so long. Its so hard to make both drones/units. But hey, as long as I'm winning. I have experienced so much ZvZ the past few days that I am so confident now.
Now for what the title is all about. My friend recently switched over to SC2 from BW like me. He plays protoss. Hes not good, at all. I mean that in the nicest way possible, but his macro is awful, and his micro is non-existent (Although I can't really talk ). He only ever masses void rays, so I felt like he would be stuck in bronze. I played him in a 1v1, but I didn't scout because I ASSUMED he wasn't going void rays because I knew he would. Wrong choice, I move my ovie in at the 7 minute mark and sure enough, he has 4 stargates making void rays. He attacks my base with like 10 before I have time to get enough mutas/spore crawlers, and I lost. BUT I rematched him, and this time I did scout. He went stalkers/collossus but he couldn't get his collossus out because I was so aggressive. I a-moved my first few roaches in against his blink stalkers, and they wiped the stalkers out. Finally, once I got more roaches he started microing a bit, but it just wasn't very good against my 2-2 roaches to his 1-1-1 stalkers. We both had 2 bases, I was expoing to my 3rd and gold when I won. I forced him to play his placement matches, and to EVERYONES surprise he places gold. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy for him, and most of this is jealousy talking, but I just don't think he belongs in gold. I guess thats where the ladder thinks he should be, and I am going to be working hard to get that gold promotion to be with him.
Congrats to him for placing gold though. The only other one of our SC2 group is Fluffy, and hes currently in platinum. So I have high expectations of him!
If he "accidentally" got placed into gold, then he'll end up getting promoted/ demoted eventually to where he should be.
Don't worry about it- just keep working to beat him!
How much do you play? O__o
Most people that played BW got atleast diamond from the get-go... Good luck to you nonetheless.
Blizzard can't honestly tell what league you are suppose to be in from 5 placement matches. My guess is he will learn how to play the game or will get demoted. Pretty much what happened to me. I placed into gold and got demoted to bronze and then switched races cause it doesn't really matter at that point.
If he only does go mass stargate play then I would assume that's why he got placed higher than you think he should have. Low league players (like the guys you face in placement) don't have the best scouting techniques, or they simply have none many times so you would have many people play him and not even have a clue until they were being attacked that he went mass void ray.
On January 19 2012 14:34 RaLakedaimon wrote: If he only does go mass stargate play then I would assume that's why he got placed higher than you think he should have. Low league players (like the guys you face in placement) don't have the best scouting techniques, or they simply have none many times so you would have many people play him and not even have a clue until they were being attacked that he went mass void ray. Ah, I remember a game that I played a year ago when I went mass Hydra vs mass Void Ray. It was certainly a fascinating experience. Ah, the wonders of Gold and Silver league. I'm now a better player and am in Plat, but sometimes I long for the silly days of old.
I remember this one time when I went for 6 robos off of 1 base against mass Hydra and mass BM. Such great memories...
6 robos...1 base!? You be crazy tomahawk! I started out in bronze in beta and wish I had some of those old reps I could watch (assuming you can even view beta reps without beta client), I was....insanely bad. Bunker rushing was almost all I did then. haha
I have played under 100 games of SC2 TOTAL and I get placed into plat every season I do my matches. Every time I get placed there I'm like "yep, still got it" and quit again.
And lul @ losing to void ray u knew was coming but didnt scout anyway
On January 19 2012 15:11 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: I have played under 100 games of SC2 TOTAL and I get placed into plat every season I do my matches. Every time I get placed there I'm like "yep, still got it" and quit again.
And lul @ losing to void ray u knew was coming but didnt scout anyway
LOL that's such an odd way to play. I recently got placed into plat as well after skipping seasons 2-4. TBH I'd much rather play some BGH than ladder. If only...
Placement matches are only 5 games so it's not exactly telling. All you have to do is win 2 random games in any way shape or form and you can get placed in gold.
On January 19 2012 15:42 Itsmedudeman wrote: Placement matches are only 5 games so it's not exactly telling. All you have to do is win 2 random games in any way shape or form and you can get placed in gold. Nah a friend won 2/5 games and ended up in bronze (where he belongs). It depends who u win against, their rank etc
Protoss has an easier time with cheesy strategies, thus he wins more than you do. Once you get to diamond you realize how many people are actually abysmal and got by on cheesing and gimmicky play. Then you get to masters, and realize the exact same thing. Ladder is worthless and promotes bad play.
You can still succeed with good play, but it's going to take you a lot longer because you need to learn A LOT of defensive timings on top of macro and mechanics. The thing about solid play is you actually need to play solid for it to work, which is a lot harder at your level.
I regularly play in teamgame, be it 2v2 or more, and we are usually placed in platinum/diamond leagues. In 2v2 we played enough to become top platinum (being a team of 2 zergs I consider this an achievment :p ) with a friend, sometime steamyrollin' them top diamonds.
This being said, I played a single 1v1 since October 2010, it was 2 months ago. A new-to-the-game friend asked me to show him how I played, so I did my single placement match. Needless to say I got stomped hard (forgot to how to scout properly in 1v1, reacting too slowly in a unusual situation, roaming into the map without any vision whatsoever and thus got caught pants down by my opponent's entire superior army). And then I got placed into... platinum. Given the fact that the only season I played 1v1 was season 1, and that I was top gold, I find this relatively hilarious ; moreover I got an achievement of finishing a season within the top 100 platinum of a division in 1v1, by playing one game in one year. GREAT I KNOW UH ?
Another example of the placement thing : in 4v4 with some friends, at the beginning of a new season, we played one placement match, where we got raped. hard. by. better. players. And so, with one loss, we got promoted to master league and finished the season in master because, well, we decided we wouldn't play any other game just to keep this in our career story. We were even placed higher than a team where MoMaN played ! With 0-1 stats overall !
The moral of the story is : never trust the system! Err, I mean, the placement system is often not accurate in short term. You should not focus on this.
I've been playing more gold people too, and like half of them do some kind of all in (haven't played that much so could be a coincidence). In my last 5 tvps 4 of them did some kind of 1 or 2 base collosus (they cut workers), 4 gate or dt rush.
Well.....all I can say is surprises/disappointments/upsets/people getting lucky happens all the time......people who study hard screw up exams........sportsmen getting injured just before competitions they trained hard for......incontrol beating thorzain in homestory cup.........bitbybit cheesing his way to RO16 in gsl3........etc etc. Don't be too bothered by it dood
I have no RTS experience outside of SCII. My favorite game until SCII was The Sims. So that should give you a good idea of my skill level when I began (read, zero). I won 3/5 of my placement matches and was placed into PLATINUM. WTH?!? I am now in bronze where I belong. Don't worry, it'll all sort itself out. (Though I did leave myself in Plat for a season, so a got a nifty badge that makes me look kinda cool on the internet. ;-)
On January 19 2012 14:49 eviltomahawk wrote:Show nested quote +On January 19 2012 14:34 RaLakedaimon wrote: If he only does go mass stargate play then I would assume that's why he got placed higher than you think he should have. Low league players (like the guys you face in placement) don't have the best scouting techniques, or they simply have none many times so you would have many people play him and not even have a clue until they were being attacked that he went mass void ray. Ah, I remember a game that I played a year ago when I went mass Hydra vs mass Void Ray. It was certainly a fascinating experience. Ah, the wonders of Gold and Silver league. I'm now a better player and am in Plat, but sometimes I long for the silly days of old. I remember this one time when I went for 6 robos off of 1 base against mass Hydra and mass BM. Such great memories...
rofl, there's plenty of little newbies all the way up to high masters to allow for ridiculously stupid strats and still win. just gotta up the execution
i know someone who placed into plat. he played a bunch of games. now he is silver.
if he isn't gold, he will change leagues. everything will fall into its rightful place.
gratz to be placed in gold! everyone has to start somewhere right?