That night I was cruising Reddit I think and I found something about Studying titled "If you're busy you're doing something wrong the surprisingly relaxed lives of elite achievers." and after reading this my mind was made up. I take a break until a set date when I return I will set a strict schedule that only consists of SC2 for a certain number of hours twice a day, that takes full benefit of the amount of focus I can put into it for that set amount of time with no distractions.
Then during the time off I played some MMO's, some LoL, and watched the entire Batman Animated Series awesome show by the way. I brought this up because during this time I remembered something I heard, I forget exactly who said it but I can't help but think it was on one of the SC2 pod casts that are a plenty, or maybe the last episode of SoTG, maybe someone who reads this can tell me. The comment that I heard was "Cast your Replays from a neutral stand point." Now I've always watched my replays but I've never casted them, I've never taken a Neutral stand point and tried to figure out how both parties were thinking on each side. My replay watching is rather biased being the loser of the game or the winner.
So I've told you all of this story to say this, I will be casting my replays of the games that I was dumbfounded on every day during the week Monday through Friday on my stream. I am mainly going to chose losing replays of myself so that I can take an objective approach to them. This I feel will help me improve, aswell as help me be dedicated because I said I was going to do something.
Here I will put the information if anyone would like to join me in practice, or watch the stream:
Practice Schedule:
7AM - 10:30AM EST
Casting Schedule:
11AM - Noon EST
Any tips, suggestions, or just general feedback will be greatly appreicated. I love talking to people.