Watts up!
This is a story about a SC2 player named North on his journey to become the very best, like no one ever was... Ahem*
That story begins here, what better place to share my experience and learn from the best then from the Team liquid community am I right? I play Terran.. and you see I am a complete nubby noob noobie of all times, and it's gonna take me a long time to get into the groove. I thought today would be a great day to take off the training wheels.. practice on custom games work on mechanics.. Play against AI like a boss.. he he.. that was a bad idea. lol
So I went 1-4 in my five placement matches ended up in bronze Rank 50 in my division out of what I can only imagine is 50 (feel the low sense of self confidence) lost I think two more matches and after a miss click at the start of the match I just gg'd and cried in my pillow and ate a box of cookies. That is a bit of exaggeration.. It was a bag of cookies.
Not fun.
Anyways bright side! No matter how negative there is a positive! :D For every loss is a new lesson I can learn from my mistakes. I doubt anyone cares about the details of how I lost but I have discovered key problems.
> No game plan. -No Strategy no build no nothing.
> I have no vision of the map - Player gets control of the map kills me. :c
> Macro is turrible.. TURRIBLE!! - An excess of Money and nothing to show for it - With the brilliant strategy of not expanding whatsoever > Moving out at the wrong time.
I have a major lack of experience and focus. So the bronze title suits me. That's not good enough, practice and improve should be key to making me go the right course. Right? If anybody out there would like to give out a few pointers to a scrub like me I'd appreciate it. Thanks :D :D :D
I would highly suggest that you sit down and take the time to watch/analyse replays and VODs of other players. The first thing you should be doing is figuring out a build order you want to use. At the bronze level I would suggest sticking with 1 build vs all 3 races, and making it something simple. A strong candidate for that would be 2barracks expand, or 3 barracks allin builds.
A 3 barracks allin would be really powerful at the bronze level, and definitely would help you learn the game better. A 2 rax expand build is going to be more difficult to learn etc, but will also be very strong, and probably do more good than a 3rax build in the long run (you learn to expand etc).
A really amazing site for learning build orders would be Liquipedia. Here is the link to the terran section. I would highly recommend reading through it , and writing down the builds on paper so when you play you can easily look over at them.
Thanks. Yeah a good game plan should be great foundation if practicing this 2 barracks expand if anything will help me as you said learn to well.. expand.
I definitely should keep an eye out for Terran Replays and Vods, Analyzing will be tricky but maybe it will help me point out things I could be doing a lot better thanks. :D
Everything he said. ^^ also.. run that one build you are doing against ezmode AI untill a significant event (i.e. move out/expand) and time yourself. make sure you are having no extra money and do it over and over against ez AI till you get it. Then when you do it against people you will be comfy and can start learning about what goes wrong. 3 barracks will probably net you more wins but 2 barracks expand will make you a better player as you have a longer plan. draw a flow chart after you start seeing what can happen and what you can transition into.
Well I'm taking a look at 2 barracks builds and watching replays and vods easily made available on the wiki and here. 3 barracks builds I'll look into when I get a hold on a build. I'm gonna start practicing tomorrow and make an update of the progress. 10 or so ladder matches maybe 10 or more practice ai matches before hand.
Thanks for the advice guys, I knew posting this on Team Liquid would help me out. This community is awesome!