I've realised recently that I have a fair amount of disposable income simply because I work full time with a decent wage and live at home without paying board. I've decided I want to contribute some of said money to furthering the esports community in Australia. So I'm thinking of maybe running a small tournament, I'm not entirely sure where to start though.
My initial idea is a 200$ tournament held every two weeks for Aus/NZ players. 100$ to the winner 50$ to second place 25$ to 3rd 4th. My biggest problem is that I'm not sure how I would go about this. I wouldn't be able to stream this tournament myself because of poor internet connection, I have very little experience in organising events (my experience is organising a few nightclub events which required close to 0 effort on my part), and I don't know anyone in the Australian SC2 scene who I would be able to contact to help out. That leads me to my next biggest problem; my awareness of the SC2 scene in Australia is very little. I know a few of the better players alias's but that's it.
I'm writing this blog to ask the community for assistance. If you know anyone I should contact or if you are willing to help point me in the right direction or help out then please PM me or reply in this thread.
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Part 2
I've finally got my new computer so I can play sc2 again. My old computer died a slow and painful death to the point where i couldn't watch videos over 480p and if the day was over 30 degrees it would overheat and crash. The only game I could play without lag was freecell (of which i got to 4000 wins by the time my new computer came round). Having said all that I still never played SC2 much, I would play it heaps for 2 weeks, practise, get my macro/mechanics better, get up to where i'm only vsing diamond players, then have a dozen games in a row where I just lose to stupid things, ragequit playing the game for 2 months, then come back at platinum level, build myself up to the same point over two weeks, then the same thing would happen again. Now I want to play again and I don't want to quit again this time.
So now I can play SC2 again I want to find some bros on the SEA server who I can practise with. Almost none of my irl friends play starcraft and all my friends that do just do team games, which are fun for a little but I start craving for 1v1 after a dozen 2v2s.
So if anyone at platinum level or up would like to have some games then I would love to play with them. PM me and we can get it sorted. (NA players are fine as well as long as they can play in SEA time) JoFritzMD.178 is my name.code if you want to add me in game.
EDIT: LOL I forgot to put my race in. I play protoss. Also if a Masters level wanted to play some games, even if it was just me just getting stomped, I would be mighty grateful.
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To all the people who say this section should go in the practise partner thread:
This is my blog