I think I know some of the reasons behind it... but I'm just going to take one step at a time.
So my first step is to come up with a new name. The idea I made with my name was basically to "troll."
I remember back in the beta everyone complained about terran and I played terran so.. TERRANLOL it was. I think when people see it now though they either see me as a douchebag or a complainer based on just the name.
I still want to do a name that sticks out and is a little bit obnoxious.. but I don't want it to be something that hits at something that the people of the community might be concerned about. I also do want to do something creative... my goal for names is usually to do a name that nobody else actually has... but now that I actually regret my name it's all up for discussion.
My ideas for names right now are:
EDIT: So I'm going to take some advice and do something that's not as obnoxious.
Current ideas:
I guess if they're not so obnoxious it doesn't matter which one I pick.
+ Show Spoiler [discarded ideas] +
^^ Name I use for LoL and used to use for Unreal Tournament 2004.
I like it because it doesn't make sense in any other way than that it's obnoxious.
I can't use it thought because it's two characters too long.
^^ basically same thing as previous name, but also has batman in it. Doesn't have an expletive. Has batman in it. Also too many characters
^^ I like this name because it conveys power in an obnoxious way. I can also talk about it like a legend during game as a sort of... stupid pointless way to trashtalk.
^^ Used to be my name for another game
^^ I guess if I didn't want to do something obnoxious, it might be cool to do something classy... like something that shows I like classical music. I also like this name because of how well brahms' music actually goes with Starcraft. Has anyone tried setting up siege tanks listening to classical music?
So right now I'm leaning toward MANTRAIN.. do you guys think that's a good ID? Or should I keep thinking?
^^ Name I use for LoL and used to use for Unreal Tournament 2004.
I like it because it doesn't make sense in any other way than that it's obnoxious.
I can't use it thought because it's two characters too long.
^^ basically same thing as previous name, but also has batman in it. Doesn't have an expletive. Has batman in it. Also too many characters
^^ I like this name because it conveys power in an obnoxious way. I can also talk about it like a legend during game as a sort of... stupid pointless way to trashtalk.
^^ Used to be my name for another game
^^ I guess if I didn't want to do something obnoxious, it might be cool to do something classy... like something that shows I like classical music. I also like this name because of how well brahms' music actually goes with Starcraft. Has anyone tried setting up siege tanks listening to classical music?
So right now I'm leaning toward MANTRAIN.. do you guys think that's a good ID? Or should I keep thinking?