On December 13 2011 17:24 RevTiberius wrote: Season 4 has ended for me and I did not manage to get the promotion I was after. Maybe a future season will prove more successful. And maybe a switch to protoss is in order... I honestly do believe protoss is easier to play at lower levels and at lower APM
Everybody has to start somewhere. Don't switch races, just work harder
</3 broken because of Tiberius quitting. I think you were right that Team Revoki wasn't the right place for you to improve as a player just because there are no practice partners at your level but I'm sad to see you go and you really were a big part of the team. Bye Tiberius best of luck in the future!
On December 14 2011 01:03 Shiver wrote: </3 broken because of Tiberius quitting. I think you were right that Team Revoki wasn't the right place for you to improve as a player just because there are no practice partners at your level but I'm sad to see you go and you really were a big part of the team. Bye Tiberius best of luck in the future!
Just to clarify - I will be back at some point in mid - late January. When I will be looking forward to a few team games here and there with people beyond Revoki. As for Team Revoki itself, I will continue to get things done there as well because - though I say so myself - there are a few important things for the team that nobody does nearly as well as I do.
What this means for this blog I will determine at a later date.
NEW SECTION on patches added to first post in this thread.
In other news I'd like to say that I recently declined to have my face carved into Mt. Rushmore. Considering that most of my achievements lie ahead rather than behind, I think this would be premature!
Besides being a mediocre SC2 player I am also a very strong amateur chess player. I have been asked repeatedly to comment on the similarities and dissimilarities between the two games and I will do so soon in a longer post. For now let me just say that I think the games have very little in common, and that making comparisons between them is kind of pointless. I'll give a detailed explanation soon.
Expanded the Map Pool discussion, explaining my reasons for being indifferent toward changes in the map pool. Considering the heated map pool debates in so many TL threads here, I think many people would disagree with me.
There's another aspect where I seem to differ from a large part of the community: I know that a lot of players watch a lot of the tournaments (MLG, NASL, etc.) live even if that means staying up all night. Often when I log on to BN or Skype friends immediately ask me "DUDE are you watching MLG ?" and stuff like that.
I don't really care about watching tournaments. It doesn't matter to me whether a game comes from the final of a big tourney or simply the ladder. I select the streams I watch based on two criteria only: who is casting, and what's the race/match up.
For example, watching a 6 week old Marine King Prime replay is just as fun to me as it would be to see a live stream of his games.
Would more excitement about the major tourneys help me become a better player? I don't think so.
I made this a long time ago when I was on another team. But it is still very much valid and answers some of the most pressing questions people have about me:
One thing that has always puzzled me is the significant league placement discrepancies between 1v1 and team games such as 2v2. With a large number of partners I get placed in 2v2 master league easily, the screen shot above showing the most extreme example. All these allies are mid-master league in their 1v1s, which means they are certainly better than me, but not GMs or even just top level master league players by any means. Moreover, I do not believe that I play 2v2s better than I do 1v1s. So the question is this: How come I don't seem to be able to make diamond in 1v1, but at the same time reach top master league level in 2v2s with absurd ease? Is something wrong with the team game league placements? Or am I simply not giving myself enough credit?!
In other news, in my current role on Team Revoki I've sometimes been likened to Gandalf from Lord of the Rings. Increasingly often recently, no doubt due to the Hobbit trailer that was released last week. I have to say I like that comparison because I do see my role as someone providing guidance and advice to the team (or "fellowship"). Obviously the players on my team don't need help with playing SC2. But I have significant management and clan management experience, and my team is greatly benefiting from it though I say so myself. I'm not a very accomplished player, but I greatly enjoy contributing to well-managed organizations.
Bottom line is this: it is relatively easy to recruit good players. Keeping a team active and interesting for members and prospective members is the hard part. In my opinion, failure to do this right is the main reason why so many teams fall apart relatively quickly.
Hey man striving for diamond is a great goal... one that I had for a llong time and now that I've been diamond for a little while now it's probably to most frustrating to try and get promoted out of. I see players who've gone from bronze to masters yet I traveled all the way from silver to diamond and am now struggling a lot improvement wise.
On December 28 2011 10:38 Locustrockz wrote: Hey man striving for diamond is a great goal... one that I had for a llong time and now that I've been diamond for a little while now it's probably to most frustrating to try and get promoted out of. I see players who've gone from bronze to masters yet I traveled all the way from silver to diamond and am now struggling a lot improvement wise.
TLDR: GL with diamond but it only gets harder ;P
I know what you mean. Despite what a lot of people are saying, not everybody is destined to become GM...
Tomorrow my team is hosting a show match between White-Ra and Empire.Kas. Details can be found on our facebook page and the TL calendar. I'm looking forward to some epic PvT, of course I'm rooting for the terran
Despite my recent changes to how I play TvP I still don't really like this m/u. Therefore I'm really looking forward to this match. Maybe I'll get some fresh ideas from it.
There's a lot of hype around Team EG's new player for 2012. Now... there are many rumors to the contrary, but I solemnly swear that it is NOT going to be me!
I repeat: RevTiberius will stay with TEAM REVOKI and is NOT going to join Team EG
Tomorrow my team is hosting a show match between White-Ra and Empire.Kas. Details can be found on our facebook page and the TL calendar. I'm looking forward to some epic PvT, of course I'm rooting for the terran
Despite my recent changes to how I play TvP I still don't really like this m/u. Therefore I'm really looking forward to this match. Maybe I'll get some fresh ideas from it.
Edit: Whoops, totally wrong, only second, gl with it
I watched the games of the show match I blogged about yesterday. Empire.Kas beat White-Ra 4-1. I'm always interested in matches that involve terran.
For those of you who have already seen the games, here's my take on them. Basically I was very surprised that White-Ra never really got any colossus. In the first post of this blog I wrote about my problems with TvP, and I always had a hard time dealing with colossus (because my vikings died so easily). I'd love to go bio vs. a protoss who doesn't get any colossus. The colossus death ball is the main reason why I switched to banshee play. So the outcome of the match is no surprise to me.
But I really liked Empire.Kas' very early hidden expos. I think I'll try that, too, from time to time, especially on large maps. The few remaining ones that I haven't vetoed, that is...
I wish all readers a happy new year and successful 2012! May you always win your games - unless you happen to be facing me
As a more interesting alternative to laddering, I'm contemplating to play in some of the Z33k tourneys for gold/platinum/diamond players.
Playing games in a tournament setting might be more competitive and I might possibly approach such games with a different mindset. Or maybe I'll be more at ease because no ladder points are at stake?!
I'd like to hear from other gold/platinum/diamond league players about their experience with Zeek tourneys. And maybe someone can recommend appropriate tourneys for me?
z33k tournaments are fun, I play in the Daily pretty often and even tho there's no prize or anything, it still feels interesting and maybe a bit more competitive than ladder. Obviously I get stomped by some Masters player after a round or two, but I like it I've noticed there's a tournament named Daywalker for plats and lower on NA so I guess that could be good for ya, as in the Daily you probably wouldn't get too far.. which doesn't mean you shouldn't try it ~. Have fun.