Throughout this weekend, i've been enjoying the free MLG streams, but one thing about them really bothers me; Whenever they cut to commercials, the sound volume tripples!
To avoid my ear drums being shattered, i hurriedly mute the stream and keep it muted for the remainder of the commercials (which isn't really what you want people to do as an advertiser TBH).Strangely, idont remember having this problem with any of the previous MLG streams
Am I the only one having this problem? Did i mess up my sound options somewhere? Or am i just a whimp?
I just posted about this a few seconds ago, it really is annoying :/ I also have to mute it, I don't think there is an option anywhere either otherwise I would use it.
Yeah man. I tweeted to Sundance yesterday, coz it's really annoying. I literally threw my headset yesterday when I got "suprised" by the ads. Had MLG minimized, looking around sites and forums and then BANG ! Jumped off my seat and threw my headset at the wall
1. Adverblasting 9145 up, 1013 down November 23, 2010 Urban Word of the Day
When a commercials audio is much louder than the program that you actually want to watch's audio.
Man, I was watching NCIS, and then I had to turn down my TV when the commercials came on because of damn adverblasting.
i turn my speakers off every time they come on anyway a person must be crazy to keep your audio on for hours upon hours of the same disgusting adverts about the same products by the same annoying dumb voiceovers arrrrrrrr edit: ah you guys using headsets, must be even worse :X
honestly, i'm not sure what you guys are talking about.
My ad volume is roughly the same as my stream volume. It's only when i start the stream for the first time in the day that it actually requires any adjusting. I just mute whichever stream i'm not watching (and keep both open in the background)
Yeah it's pretty annoying
I remember SouthParkStudios.com has this problem. There was a QA and that was one of the things brought up. I am sure it is the same for MLG. The response was - they have to deal with it too. The company's and sponsors etc. actually make the commercials and preset volume so it is outside their control.
So when they play the commercial they dont control the volume, its whatever they (the people advertising) set it to. Thats why some commercials are quieter than others as well. I am sure they do it to catch your attention, but in reality it just annoys me and makes me not want to buy their product :-/ A silent commercial catches my attention more.
MLG is the one event i pay for without hesitation. Helping MLG is helping esports.
If you watch the Blue and Red restreams on Twitch.tv the ads are fine and much less intrusive
good thing im half deaf xD
I also encounter that on some other streams aswell. Like Trump or Destiny.. I usually have a stream running while going to sleep. It's pretty low volume, but commercials blast like a fucking drill instructor, right next to my ears. I hate it so much.
Yeah they really are quite loud. Luckily I always seem to get the detergent commercial so I get like 15 seconds before it gets really loud x.x