Most of you, if not ALL of you, do not know me, I used to play a lot of FPS games and still do to be honest. It all started off CS1.6 years ago, I was terrible at it, but I really used to think I was good.
Then came CoD1, CoD2, BF:Vietnam and such.
I've always been a PC-gamer, only recently I bought an Xbox to go for a different aspect in gaming, since I have already accomplished pretty much everything in the most recent CoD games (MW3 in progress with the xbox but getting to that soon enough.)
Even in CoD4, the best CoD made so far (imo), I have completed every single challenge there is, played over 1200hours, reached a KD ratio of 3,9 and my highest killstreak is 63.
That's not for bragging, but just to get a brief look at my current level in FPS games on PC.
My progress in the other CoD games is quite similar, Battlefields on the other hand, I've played BF2 for +1000 hours, yet my KD and killstreaks are significantly lower, indicating that Battlefield has either more skilled players, or just that it's flat out harder.
I pre-ordered BF3, and as I reached rank 30, I thought that I could try something different, all my friends were playing on xbox and since I didn't have any console FPS experience I thought that it would bring a nice challenge.
So I started, my Xbox360 250gb S and Modern Warfare 3 arrived last friday, I was horrible, absolutely disgustingly bad at the game, but improved swiftly, I have now played a bit over 20hours and have gained most of my ranks in the last 10 hours of play time.
Now I'm rank 63 and pushing on, my KD is getting closer and closer to 1.00 as I'm getting a grip on the console playstyle.
First when I started trying to play sniper, I found a thing which truly saddened me, quickscoping was to be honest, so much easier on console than on PC. I'm not a quickscoper or anything, just do it for phun every now and then, on PC I find it harder because you have to hit the target, there is no aim assist. However on xbox, come from behind a corner, tap aim and shoot, and aim assist will direct the crosshairs to the enemy player and just outright kill him before he can even react, it's ridiculous to be honest.
Otherwise the game is quite fine, much more balanced than MW2.
AxUU out.
TLDR; Played on PC, bought MW3 to xbox, was horrible, improved, balance ranting.