I wanted to make my goal in the place where I spend most of my time in SC2, and that would be on the ladder. Looking at my past goals of just getting promoted I thought it wouldn't quite fit here in my list of "sensible goals". I'm just getting into Masters at the moment and having my goal be "lets get promoted to GM" seems a bit unrealistic to me, so after much consdieration and thought I have come up with a new goal.
My new SC2 goal is to play against someone notable in the ladder. By notable I mean like they are known by people in the SC2 community. It doesn't have to be some crazy good player on NA (Sheth, Kiwikaki, Idra, Machine, oGsVines, Violet (has been playing on NA recently), etc.) While that would be great I would settle for playing either a lesser known/lesser accomplished pro or just a face/name that is recognized in the community such as Trump, Pokebunny, Spanishiwa, Gatored, Boyo (Protoss Streamer that I like to watch. GM), or Cecil Sunkre (He writes alot of really good articles on TL, mostly for Protoss strats and such but some other more general articles. He's also on the team Kiwi Clones if i'm not mistaken.)
I think this is a much more attainable goal than making GM and is something that is truely realistic for me and gives me something that is not unatainable without hard work and focus when I play the game.
So let me know what you think of my goal. Am I kidding myself, is this something a low masters player shouldn't even dream about? Or is this a good goal to be going for? I'm curious as to what you all will think. Also to any pros that may read this (which is doubtful lol) know this, I'm coming for you.

Gl Hf All
P.S.: I think I spelled the names of all the players I would be honored to play a 1v1 against but if not I'm sorry and feel free to correct me.
Thanks for Reading