No one believes you can be a pro. Your friends don't, they beat you too often. The pros don't. I don't know why, no one believed in them. Your mom doesn't. She doesn't want you to play video games. Blizzard doesn't, they balance the game to be "fun at all levels of play" Day9 doesn't either, he wants you to have fun (and subscribe). The Koreans don't, the Ukrainians don't, the Germans, the French, the Americans (North and South), no one thinks you can make it. So pack it up. Start playing 4v4s, pre-order Diablo 3, complain to Blizzard about shortening the single-player in HotS, take up knitting, look for a spouse at your local bar or college campus. Give up.
Or you can keep trying.
If you spend most of your day playing this game then you're already on your way. It may take you longer than most, why should it matter, why would thousands of people run a marathon when there's only 1 winner. Sense of accomplishment brings satisfaction. If you were really that bad at the game then it wouldn't be fun. If you don't enjoy the time you play then maybe you're crazy for playing that long, but crazy people can do amazing things, like write books, long books, hundreds of pages of toil that no one respects upon first encounter. Years later they may confuse your insanity for genius. If you don't have that much time to play then I guess you're a professional at something else, or maybe you're studying to be something else that you want to be. Keep playing, stay fresh, stay knowledgeable on new patches and new tactics, maybe one day you'll lose your job. Maybe all that you have left is a computer and an internet connection, or maybe your best buddy owns a LAN center and lets you sleep in the backroom. I guess you'll have the time to play then. If you're young, good job, you have a head start. If you're old, you have great wisdom to draw on from past experience. Be that veteran cowboy. If your'e a woman, try crossbreeding some horses and rhinos because what the fuck, professional gamer chicks are some sort of taboo fantasy that never happens. Let me try that again. If you're a woman, I'm essentially writing this for you, do whats in your heart.
Grow accustom to failure so you can learn how to avoid it. Make sure your successes are sweet and unmuted by thoughts of what you left behind. Keep practicing. Eat a banana, drink a cup of coffee, skip that second REM cycle. Whatever you do, don't let a stranger tell you what you can't do.
I can't tell if this is a hate on everyone, a morale booster or just a rant because you want ot be pro and "everyone" is telling you you can't. I find this a bit hilarious that you say whole countries dont want (you?) to become a pro and Day9 doesn't want you to turn pro? thats funny because last i checked he was always helping out the SC2 scene since its beginning.
This sounds like a motivational letter to yourself. If striving to become a professional gamer is fun for you, by all means do it. But note the key word striving. You don't have to become a professional gamer to have a good time trying to become one.
Its important to note that you shouldn't throw away a perfectly good life for a small chance at dreams. Don't quit your job/drop out of school/ plan your life around becoming a professional gamer if it isn't realistic. Having food is actually better than having starcraft.
Are you trying to tell me that the Swedes believe in me? THANKS! :D BRB GOING TO KOREA!
This is the part where I say just kidding and try to give you some warm praise for your blog. Instead I read your blog and cannot explain what this is
If your'e a woman, try crossbreeding some horses and rhinos because what the fuck, professional gamer chicks are some sort of taboo fantasy that never happens. Let me try that again. If you're a woman, I'm essentially writing this for you, do whats in your heart.
I obviously do not have the same grasp on women as you. 5/5 for showing me the ways.
This is such a bad motivational message. Listen to the strangers, it's too hard and so ultra-competitive. In the end you'll likely have no useful qualifications, beyond being good at RTS, and end up having to do some shitty job. Enjoy starcraft as a form of recreation, try and improve at it like with any hobby but you need to work at something that makes you employable too. Yes people can do amazing things, like writing great novels etc, but don't compare that to laddering SC 40+ hours a week. Replay packs are not art and have no lasting worth beyond the next patch/expansion. You're not producing anything of value by wasting your time chasing a dream that thousands of others are chasing just as hard. Even if against all odds you achieve it, then maybe you can subsist and move out from your mum's house. Play smart. If you had the talent to go pro you'd already know it and wouldn't be blogging here about never giving up.
Tyler talked about this in his second vlog. It takes a long time of -hardcore- training, so how much longer would it take someone who doesn't train that way?
Although its a bit dramatic, there is certainly some truth to it. The only person who will ever truly be be responsible for your success at Starcraft is you. The motivation MUST come from within or you won't succeed.
This is definitely tangential, its what I felt at the time of writing, and I wanted to write something that would stir up some responses. It's a motivational letter, but i don't expect people to go checking out blogs looking for motivation from others, at the end of their wits looking for anything positive. It is self serving. I hope 300 words from a stranger online isn't what someone needs to become who they want to be, but I'd be happy if someone could relate to even one sentence. Or at least laugh a bit.
Scarecrow, thanks for calling my message bad, you're exactly who I'm talking about. Yah, its fairy tale bullshit, but the spirit needs something for fuel, doesn't it? I don't think I'm corrupting little children into running away from home and selling themselves to further their SC2 careers.
Probe, The "do whats in your heart" line is pretty pointless, and could have been dropped. Its a stale attempt at a fictional girl gamer joke. I wrote it because I don't know of many female pro gamers, if you thought like I did and were a lady, I feel like you might have less inspiration. Tacky none the less.
Dreamchaser, I honestly don't think Day9 wants you to be a pro gamer, I think he wants you to have fun. There's nothing wrong with that. I don't think there's anything wrong with what I said either. He's great for building the community, how can there be e-sports if no one knows whats going on in the games. He's funny, and he wants you to have fun, and I think hes the ultimate example of Fun Over Serious.
I'm not making irrational decisions to be a pro gamer, I don't think the life is glamours. I don't think I could be forced to stay in front of a computer for 8+ hours a day. Not even a normal desk job, no less something so adrenaline filled. I'm just holding onto the dream of being great at something I love to do. Maybe I'll stop writing about pro gaming, It seems to be a sore topic, maybe I'll write about cats, everyone loves cats.
Fuck that.
(double post avoidance)Edit: On November 03 2011 14:34 looknohands119 wrote: a bit dramatic Nail on the head.