The idea of this is that it should work as a siege unit. It is slow as fuck and to be able to attack it has to burrow partially. Its attack is a dud that deals area damage and you have to build duds (up to 5, or up to 8 with de upgrade). It deals a fuckton of area damage. This unit can be loaded into the warp prism.
The unit at the right is a zerg unit I call Firebreather.
It does have a melee attack but not very good. Its main role is to cast the spell firewall. This spell consumes energy, but the Firebreather can consume other zerg units to replenish its own energy. Firewall does create a firewall on the target area during a period of time. Units passing through the wall take burn damage over time.
I was designing a terran unit but got bored. It was a random shit that would transform itself into a fucking mecha. Very original.
On October 30 2011 11:42 fabiano wrote:The idea of this is that it should work as a siege unit. It is slow as fuck and to be able to attack it has to burrow partially. Its attack is a dud that deals area damage and you have to build duds (up to 5, or up to 8 with de upgrade). It deals a fuckton of area damage. This unit can be loaded into the warp prism.
On October 30 2011 12:25 fabiano wrote: Ribomainu = Reaver Mine pronounced by korean casters..
I'm 99.9% sure they do not say "nu" at the end =_=; not even Japanese people say mainu.. U ending (although it's "eu" ending technically, arguably not even that since there is no English equivalent) only occurs when a non-nasal consonant occurs during romanisation, i.e. anything that is not -m, -n, -ng
Love them both more than any of the HOTS units. I can imagine some sick micro along with the firebreather. Imagine the damage one of those firewalls could cause in a mineral line! They could be used like force fields to "trap" fleeing enemies but cause damage instead.
For the firebreather maybe instead of spitting a continuous line of fire have it spit balls of fire in an arc, so opponents have some way of microing against it?