So, a few days and many phone calls later, one thing leading to another, our very own Kate Lockwell finally got the chance to sit and talk to the one and only - 'Corruptor', a powerful element of the Zerg army.
We present to you, the exclusive interview! Kate Lockwell one on one with the Corruptor!
Kate Lockwell: Hello, Corruptor, can you explain this whole idea that you refuse to fight for the swarm?
Corruptor: First of all, I'm no freaking Corruptor, my name is fucking James, so let's get it straight from the beginning.
The whole 'Corruptor' stuff is a silly thing that comes from a nickname my grandpa earned when he "'corrupted" a neighbor's field in revenge after the two of them had a big conflict over some cattle. Apparently, our Zerg leaders thought it would sound intimidating to our opponents.
Kate Lockwell: Ok, James, sorry about that. So what's the deal with refusing to fight for the Zerg, and what do you think of all the accusations that you're betraying your race?
Corruptor James: Betraying my race? My race needs to fucking grow up.
Brood War was 4 years ago, and those people need to let go of the past. I don't give a shit about no war. Protoss, Terran and Zerg are perfectly capable of living and prospering in parallell with each other.
Frankly, sometimes I'm ashamed of the people I used to call "my race". Sure, when you're kids, everything is fine, but now you see these grown-up people I used to hang out with, the Mutas and the BroodLords flying around smashing stuff, poor Zerglings eating bullets from Terrans, often at point blank range - gross scenes. Shit is sad. And I won't even get started on the recent 'Baneling' project, that thing is just sick and demented, and it sounded that way from the minute they announced the mutation.
Kate Lockwell: Where is all this coming from, how come you haven't fought in BroodWar, then fought in Wings of Liberty and now are intending to leave the fightning forces?
Corruptor James: Well, I was too young to fight in BroodWar, so all I knew about the war and our enemies came thru the word of mouth of family and community. As I grew up I was convinced we, Zerg, really have something to fight for, I really believed that a good war would solve a lot of our problems. See, most of the troubles of the Zerg race are blamed on the doings of the Protoss and the Terran so people believe we can set it straight by hurting them back.
Also, I pretty much enjoy flying and visiting different planets, so when I heard the recruitment was on, I voluntarily applied .
Kate Lockwell: What has changed since then?
Corruptor James: Everything. It didn't take more than 2 days of experiencing the actual war for me to get a hint of how things really stand. When facing those 'villains' on the battlefield, I realized that those little fuckers are just as scared shitless of us as we are of them. The other day, we were containing an opposing force just outside Temple's rich mineral fields, when I overheard some marines telling to each other scary stories about myself, the infamous Corruptor, new superweapon of the Zerg. I thought to myself "Holy fuck. I practically learned to tie my shoes a few years ago. My mom still needs reminding that I can comb my own tails. You're afraid of me? While holding that big gun of yours?"
It's all wrong. I realized most of the guys on the battlefield either don't want to fight after seeing how it really is (like myself), or they fight because their perception of truth is messed up OR because they're plain old pyschopats. And I have in mind all 3 races when I say that.
Kate Lockwell: I noticed you spoke of 'truth'. What would the truth be from your point of view?
Corruptor James: It's not just me, everyone who's a little educated and not close minded will tell you pretty much the same thing. This war is pointless for 99% of the people of all the races involved. A small group of folks high in the ranks of every race has their personal agenda of why they keep pushing this circus on and on. Whether it's personal grudges, financial gains or something else that keeps them pushing, I don't know, but in my opinion it's very likely an unhealthy mix of all of the above.
Kate Lockwell: Uhm, wow, ok. Anyways, a closing question, what do you plan to do next if you're not joining the war? And to the people eagerly awaiting news, is there still a chance you'll show up?
Corruptor James: Show up for war? Hell, no! Anyways, since you asked, here goes - I'm opening up a law firm with a friend of mine. It's an idea that's been in the back of my mind since a long time ago, but now it's crystalized as the thing I really wanna go for. It still isn't official, meaning I haven't even registered a name yet, but perhaps I can use that 'Corruption' and turn it around to my advantage again (laughs).
Kate Lockwell: Alright Mr. James, thank you for your time and good luck.
Corruptor James: Thanks.
+ Show Spoiler [notes] +
I've written this like a few months ago after I noticed how corruptor feels out of place in the game of SC2. As a unit in the game, it's boring and bland.
And if you take the perspective of actually living in SC2 universe, the Corruptor looks totally uninterested in fighting, generally being useless and waving his tails.
Originally the interview was supposed to be longer, but while writing it I thought "nah, it's gonna suck", so I stopped.
Now I thought of it and figured it can't hurt to post.
hopefully someone will likeeeeeeeee
p.s. did you read the questions in Kate's voice? :|)