So I have gotten back into playing SC2 and too my surprise, I have had substantial growth over the past 2 weeks. It seems that over the time of me not playing SC2 and just watching pro streams (Mainly SlayerS_Dragon), constantly watching replays, and VOD's from my old streams has payed off (along with the MASS laddering that I was doing before I stopped). Im still playing Terran and I have made it into Platinum league.
Platinum league is a BIG (I mean BIG.. pause) difference from all that are below. Not just because its above the other leagues, but you actually have to execute builds now and every thing that you do has to be for a reason. I also found out that almost every zerg goes muta-ling-baneling every game. Occasionally I will get a noob who goes hydras vs marine tank. I will also get hit by the occasional baneling bust just because im so bad at scouting. TvZ is my weakest match-up and no matter what I do, it does not get better. I think I have like a 25% win rate vs z. TvT has to be my strongest match-up as the only time i lose is too cheese (which is very rare) like a thor rush all in or some stupid shit like that. TvP is soso, all depends on the decisions I make in the early game.
No matter what Matchup im in, I always lean towards bio (ESPECIALLY in TvT) because it so mobile. I really hate having to be idle all the time as aggression is what tends to win me games. I try to make my play style very similar to MKP's (even though I will probably never ever EVER be at that level.. -_-).
I still have a goal that I am trying to reach at the moment though and I WILL reach that goal (If you read my first blog post, you will know what im talking about). Right now my short term goal is to get into diamond league. I have a feeling that with how everything is going now, it wont be very long. I have a replay pack below hat I have posted if anyone would like to check them out. There arent many in there because I had forgot all about sc2gears and I hadnt been saving my replays. I have them organized alot better though that I did in my last packs.
Thanks for Reading and be sure to look out for more posts in the near future!
Also, be sure to stop by my stream from time to time:
Replay Pack:
EDIT: Can someone in High Masters or Above PLEASE fucking help me with TvZ? I have broken 2 monitors, a few keyboards, and a mouse because of fucking zerg.