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Sup guys. My name is Marc "SeizeTheDay" Linhares. I am going to start streaming everyday. I am already a Masters Protoss player mid to top level player. Going to start playing everyday, and would love to stream and show my personality and different type of game play.
I am kind of unique. Long ago I was trying to stay away from colossus and also doing the more nontraditional things I just never really played in to many tourneys to show them off, or tried to make a "build order" type thread. Now I am more of a well rounded player just trying to get to GM.
This stream will start at 10:00AM Monday October 16, 2011 it will end whenever I feel like i cant play anymore lol.
Mon 10:00amPDT- ?
Tues 10:00amPDT- ?
( we will see how that goes for now, then keep streaming everyday if people like it.)
Well the first stream will be of me playing of course walking you thru the steps i am thinking, answer questions from the chat. All around trying to help as many people as I can while laddering.
I will be explaining some things as I play also. I think it is great to talk about the history of esports and teams and rivals , conflicts all of these things also.
If you would like to see some of my game play please go to www.twitch.tv/SeizeTheDaySD to see some of past recorded streams.
But as I said Monday will be the 1st "Official" day I start stream streaming(if that makes sense) :D lol
I hope some protoss players tune in. I am noticing a lack of protoss streams

Thanks Again for watching