Norway28565 Posts
if you are bored, you should do something you either think is fun or something that can help you grow as a person/something educational. I don't know what you are interested in learning about, nor what you think of as fun, so it's pretty hard to give any direct pointers. here are, however, some general ideas, I will group them in "fun" and "learning experience".
fun: playing games. but they should actually be fun. it's stupid to play something you don't think is fun, because there's so much to choose from. if you can't find a game which you think is fun, then gaming might just not be your thing. try stuff from different genres to get a feel of what you like the most - people are different here. you can try some rpgish games (the witcher and dark souls are two somewhat recent games which I have heard nothing but good things of.), or you can try more TBS. You mentioned heroes 4 - heroes 3 is much better. but you can also try say, age of wonders 2, or civilization 4, or something older like master of orion 2 - although my impression is that the older a game is, the more important is it that you actually played it in the past, for you to be able to enjoy it now. or maybe you are more of a console player, in which case you can get a PS3 with say, FIFA, or red dead redemption, or call of duty. or you can play quake live if you are in for some serious high pitched FPS on the computer. maybe you would enjoy playing football manager - lots of people like that. the gist of this part of this post is; the options are nearly endless if you actually enjoy playing games.
if you don't like playing games, you can try watching movies, or even better for combatting boredom; watching tv series. there are countless great movies and series out there; just throwing some out there, even though this is a ridiculously incomplete list: movies: the highlander, king of kong, all the mad max ones, LOTR trilogy, dark city, children of men, groundhog day, ghost busters. or whatever. there's like at least 1000 movies worth watching, I now mentioned like 8 random ones that I think are worth watching. shouldn't be hard to find a comprehensive list. series: arrested development, the wire, sopranos, 6 feet under, mad men (probably not your thing though), futurama, family guy, south park seasons 5-11. once again, millions of choices are available to you.
otherwise, you can read books. I'm not a huge book enthusiast myself, but I can happily recommend: Shantaram by david gregory robertson, and the curious incident of the dog at night-time by mike haddon or something. once again, the list is endless - I could live 20 lives in succession without having time to read everything worth reading. the cool thing about reading books is that it belongs both in the "fun" category AND the "learning experience" category. which brings me on to my next point.
you can get a girlfriend. this one can also belong both in the fun category and the learning experience category, namely, what often happens, is that the first period of a relationship is pure fun, while latter portions of the relationship ends up being a learning experience. if you have a girlfriend, you can do stuff like, watch movies/series/play games together, and actually experience that it gives you greater enjoyment! Assuming you are old enough, you can even have sex with them, and it's quite the wonderful experience.
in addition to these ideas, you can go out and socialize with friends. oftentimes doing what you'd be doing with your girlfriend minus the sex part, it's just that many people find greater enjoyment from doing stuff with others than from doing stuff by themselves.
it's also possible to increase your enjoyment from random activities through being high or drunk. lots of people seem to use weed to combat boredom - although I would personally much rather recommend using it to make something that's actually fun even more fun. it seems stupid to do something boring and then use drugs to make it less boring, rather than do something fun and use drugs to make it even more fun. alcohol is also pretty awesome every now and then, but it's very taxing on your body and you should really not get drunk more than : three times a week for a period lasting 6 months or less, twice a week for a period lasting between 6 months and 2 years, once a week for a period lasting between 2 and 5 years, and twice a month for the rest of your adult lifetime. drinking significantly more than any of these mentioned figures, is going to be harmful for you, so don't do that.
now, that's just fun stuff. in addition, you can learn about something. a great place to start, is wikipedia. write something that you are interested in. the fun thing about wikipedia, is that it actually provides links while you read the text so whenever you find something interesting, you can press that link and get information about that subject as well! it's honestly quite amazing - in my opinion wikipedia ranks high up there on the list of "best creations of humanity" - you should cherish it and use it whenever you can, because it will make you smarter.
or you can improve yourself in some way. some people like to play sports to improve their shape, because being in shape improves most other aspects of your life. (it gives you more energy enabling you to do more fun stuff. it makes you more attractive, meaning you are more likely to get a girlfriend whom you can do more fun stuff with. ) I personally think working out without playing sports if very boring, and I can't make myself do that, but there are also many people who report that they like to work out because of the sensation of making their body stronger and better. either way, it works for many.
You can also pursue some other hobby, like cooking. when you start living on your own, you will find that knowing how to make decently tasting food seriously improves the quality of your life. (it also makes it easier to eat in a healthy manner.
These are some basic suggestions to combat boredom. If you got the feeling that I was somewhat, say, condescending and over-explaining through this post, then you are absolutely correct. The reason is that, if someone makes a topic because they are bored, I assume they are of a very young age, because once you are older, your life should be packed full of stuff that makes you busy. Cherish the fuck out of the time you have right now, because in a couple years, it's not gonna be there, and if you find out that "wow, I was just staring at a computer screen being BORED all this time, instead of learning shit or doing stuff I actually enjoyed doing", then it's not gonna be possible to go back in time and suddenly have time to do everything. I'm taking a week off work next week just because I desperately want more free time - and I don't think I've been bored for several years. So my honest, heart-felt advice is: Fucking go out and do something.