-Financial engineering
-Operations research
I love math, programming and statistics and both of them use it a lot so I find the courses at both pretty much equally interesting (though technically the operations research specialization is under logistics so there are fewer OR courses than FE ones).
I'm looking into working in the US in the future (I have citizenship, so no problem with visas etc). Read that demand for people with OR backround will rise lika 20% the next 10 years, but what about finance and especially quantitative finance? Seems like there are popping up FE degrees all over american colleges. Also, according to one of my lecturers, if you want a top job in quantitative finance you better have a PhD and that was not the case of OR as much. Problem with OR for me is that you pretty much have to go into consulting (at least that is my understanding) and as an introvert, consulting doesn't seem very appealing.
So maybe TL can help me, cause I know many people who visit are well educated. Also if you guys can give me tips on other sites where I can ask that would be great!