So with heart of the swarm in the works, it's blizzards chance to fix up the game.
That said, it seems likely that some units from wings of liberty are going to be removed, or else the multiplayer experience will be saturated with too many units.
Now obviously the choice of units to remove will kind of depend on what new units they are adding, but ignoring that for now, which units would you remove? Which units add the least to gameplay, etc.
terran + Show Spoiler +Poll: Terran unit to remove?Marauder (40) 63% Marine (5) 8% Reaper (5) 8% Thor (4) 6% Battlecruiser (2) 3% Raven (2) 3% Ghost (1) 2% Hellion (1) 2% Seige Tank (1) 2% Medivac (1) 2% Banshee (1) 2% Viking (0) 0% 63 total votes Your vote: Terran unit to remove? (Vote): Marine (Vote): Marauder (Vote): Reaper (Vote): Ghost (Vote): Hellion (Vote): Seige Tank (Vote): Thor (Vote): Viking (Vote): Medivac (Vote): Banshee (Vote): Battlecruiser (Vote): Raven
protoss + Show Spoiler +Poll: Protoss unit to remove?Colossus (32) 49% Mothership (19) 29% Carrier (10) 15% Zealot (1) 2% Stalker (1) 2% Immortal (1) 2% Void Ray (1) 2% Sentry (0) 0% High Templar (0) 0% Dark Templar (0) 0% Archon (0) 0% Phoenix (0) 0% 65 total votes Your vote: Protoss unit to remove? (Vote): Zealot (Vote): Stalker (Vote): Sentry (Vote): High Templar (Vote): Dark Templar (Vote): Immortal (Vote): Colossus (Vote): Archon (Vote): Phoenix (Vote): Void Ray (Vote): Carrier (Vote): Mothership
zerg + Show Spoiler +Poll: Zerg unit to remove?Curruptor (32) 44% (15) 21% Roach (11) 15% Hydralisk (4) 6% Infestor (3) 4% Zergling (2) 3% Baneling (2) 3% Ultralisk (1) 1% Broodling (1) 1% Mutalisk (1) 1% Queen (0) 0% Overseer (0) 0% 72 total votes Your vote: Zerg unit to remove? (Vote): Queen (Vote): Zergling (Vote): Baneling (Vote): Roach (Vote): Hydralisk (Vote): Infestor (Vote): Ultralisk (Vote): Broodling (Vote): Overseer (Vote): Mutalisk (Vote): Curruptor (Vote):
For protoss, i'd definitely pick hte colossus, it doesn't make for interesting game play, it just makes for a boring protoss deathball that just 1a's across the map
Do you want me to vote realistically, or what I would like ?
gotta take out thors. they dont really have any place in the game, they get countered by mutas and most other ground units. and their ability is useless as well.
On September 28 2011 10:10 Vlare wrote: Do you want me to vote realistically, or what I would like ? vote on the units you really hate/don't want to see in HOTS
It's corrupter and I'd remove that or roaches.
Marauders for Terran obviously and Colo for Protoss.
why do you guys hate marauder? lol. i dont see what t would do endgame vs p w/o marauder. and dont tell me mech, tanks just suck in general bs lategame toss and thors just get feedbacked.
i wish that mutalisks and colossus go out just because i hate them. the mutalisk more than the coloss but it will of course not happen so whatever.
I'm not a big fan of the marauder...but not much to say about that. I hate hate hate the hydralisk - it's too similar to the roach, not a strong unit, not a unique unit, nothing good about it. Just boring with its role already taken by the roach.
I hate the colossus as compared to what it could be used for - the reaver was a much more dynamic, interesting unit. it's simply just a boring, poorly designed unit.
That being said, i hate the immortal as well - but i'd rather see the colossus removed.
I'd be fine having the colossus removed and either having stronger storms (slightly!) or a better unit for AoE but not having 9 grids of range.
On September 28 2011 10:21 harhar! wrote: why do you guys hate marauder? lol. i dont see what t would do endgame vs p w/o marauder. and dont tell me mech, tanks just suck in general bs lategame toss and thors just get feedbacked.
i wish that mutalisks and colossus go out just because i hate them. the mutalisk more than the coloss but it will of course not happen so whatever. Obviously they would not just remove the unit....... It is easily the most boring unit though, followed very closely by the mothership/colossus/corrupter....
The marauder is the most boring unit, but it's so important to Terran play that Blizzard wouldn't take it away in an expansion pack. It would change the way the race is played way too much and would hurt Terrans in tournaments a lot for at least a few months.
I think the colossus should be changed a little, but it's a fun unit and I like it. I think the carrier should be put out of its misery though and replaced with something else that's actually a cool unit to use in a competitive game.
Blizzard can't take away the corrupter because it's necessary for the broodlord, but they should give it something more interesting to do than corruption. I quite like zerg units the way they are.
I'd take my reavers back over collosi any day of the week >.> lol
Edit: With Much Scarabs and all!
Don't necessarily have a fondness for the ole golden slug but the way that air control removed the mobility of the reaver rather than shutting down the other uses of the reaver was way more interesting than the way the collossus works currently where it basically just dies if you have enough, air control or doesn't die and rolls stuff over.
If I recall correctly... did blizzard remove any units from starcraft when they released broodwar? Didn't they only add expansion units?
But like everyone else, I voted accordingly.
On September 28 2011 11:02 Temporarykid wrote: If I recall correctly... did blizzard remove any units from starcraft when they released broodwar? Didn't they only add expansion units?
But like everyone else, I voted accordingly.
Nope they added units and upgrades. I think thee only war they will realistically remove units is if they are crappy as hell like corruptors.
carrier is beating mothership in a to remove poll what?! (edit clarification - wtf mothership has less votes :/)
Remove smart casting and buff casters would make the game far more interesting. There are far too many crappy units in sc2 to bother removing any.
On September 28 2011 11:02 Temporarykid wrote: If I recall correctly... did blizzard remove any units from starcraft when they released broodwar? Didn't they only add expansion units?
But like everyone else, I voted accordingly. You are correct. But Blizzard did specifically say that they were considering removing certain uninteresting units in HotS. I don't have the exact source, but they said it a few months back.
My 2 cents,
Marauder, Roach, Immortal are "bridging" units IMO. They serve to help to race as you tech to the next tier such as:
Marauders as a buffer until tanks Roach to bridge you from hatchery to lair tech Immortal to help you to colossus.
The reasoning is from putting myself into SC1 shoes, think of it, a terran only has marines until he gets his factory up for tanks. Hydra's weren't "heavy" soldiers for zerg and if you wanted heavy units, it was ultras. Protoss I'm not too sure because goons were very all purpose unlike the stalker counterpart.
Due to these new "bridging" units, the dynamics of SC2 has changed where before in SC1 you would see fast expansions 90+% of the games because tier 1 units just weren't effective and players tend to skip straight to tier 2/3 (hence needs extra income to support the tier). In SC2, there are these 3 units to either put early pressure or help defend your base better.
Make the infestor tier 3 and I'll be happy.