because I utterly utterly despise when that guy wins because his play is soooooo uninspiring and just looks downright awful compared to the good terrans /rant can't believe he actually won that series.... sadly Tester played worse than worse half the time, more than compensating for his play the other half of the time
Backstory - I cannot sleep on a 24 hour cycle. Usually, this involves me waking up at night, then going to sleep around noon. Of course, on some days I have class in the morning, so on these days I just don't sleep for ~36 hours. I then immediately flip back into my nighttime waking cycle in about half a day. Now, the day before today I woke up at 10 pm. Since I have morning class tomorrow, I figured I'd revert my sleep cycle to a normal one to see if I can not be half a zombie. Well, I woke up at 8:30 am after falling asleep at 4 am, which happened to coincide with the end of this dream.
Some major shit was going on at TL. I don't quite recall what it was, but it was some megasuperdrama involving mods and the entire TL community. It had something to do with pros... think it was map fixing in a TSL or something since some race or another had been sucking terribly for years but kept getting nerfed over and over regardless (probably was Toss) and I particularly recall David Kim being involved and snickering maniacally as he played Terran.
Then somehow I got involved with some new protoss revolutionist who won a real unbiased tourney (and somehow became a red halfway through but without access to mod forums wtf). And then... I pulled a haji cept I didn't ban myself but got a 2 year ban anyways. At which point I woke up because I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
You have no idea how badly I wanted to post in the CERN thread due to all the bad physics I saw but could not because of my temp ban. Damn you Dream, damn you. >.<.
Also, the 1 key on my laptop keyboard (not the numpad but above the main area) broke midgame last night. FML. I guess I APM spam too much on it.