So, I work for a pretty large company who is doing well at the moment. We have quarterly meetings with the entire company to announce earnings etc and have some fun. Today, they randomly selected employees from a database to enter a contest to compete for a prize pack. I was one of 3 people of nearly 1000 selected to compete and wouldn't you know it, the contest was a DANCE OFF.
Now, let me preface this by saying I've never danced in my life and I only know the Kong dance because I found it quite humorous and had some free time one weekend. And it happens to be the ONLY dance I know. So, instead of refusing to participate, I decide to do Kong dance and make myself look like an absolute fool infront of all of my peers. I didn't expect to win, but as it turned out, no one else knew how to dance either. It basically turned into a comedy dance contest.
As you might have guessed by the title, the crowd LOVED the Kong dance and laughed hysterically at it. I won and they asked me where I learned the dance and I got to explain the history of the Kong dance to a ton of people who had never been exposed to Starcraft before. I thought that was pretty cool. As a result, I got some cool stuff....and some stuff that doesn't interest me much.
One of those things is a complete DVD set of Two and a Half Men -- LOL , I know right what a wonderful prize. I have absolutely no interest in this and figured since the Starcraft community won me some other cool stuff, instead of taking it out back and smashing it up, maybe someone on TL would want it. If any of you badass dudes actually wants this, let me know. I am willing to ship and pay for shipping. If you don't want it, then that's fine too, I just wanted to share my experience with the Kong dance .
EDIT: Video does exist and I will try to get it up if I can finagle it out of the office intranet. I've also found someone who wants the DVD's, so those are gone too. Thanks for your interest and remember to keep on being awesome TL!