What I Did Not Expect
-To become pro overnight or something. That's just silly. Nobody can do that. It takes a lot of work - a LOT of work, as in, years.
-To become really good right away. See above.
-To be utterly curb-stomped every single game I played. I assumed as I at least doing some things right. I wasn't and I couldn't figure out what went wrong. That threw me for a loop.
-To get the sheer amount of negative feedback I've been getting.
What I Did Expect
-To very very *VERY* slowly ascend the ladder and get better...SLOWLY. Winning...and losing...and winning...and losing...and winning...and losing...and you get the idea. Not getting FLATTENED every single game I played like I have been.
-To maybe enter some small lower level tournaments at first to make a tiny name for myself.
-To possibly get to pro level in a few years.
-For people to understand that this was my line of thinking.
So yeah. That's the list. And yes I'm still with Michael for those of you who care. I just can't break it off with the kid. He's so attached to me that leaving would kill him. *gently pats him* He's a good kid. Wants to be a programmer when he graduates high school. (That's computer programmer, not pro gamer! Whenever you all spell pro gamer as one word, I read it as programmer. Dyslexia, amazing stuff.)
It'll take a few days for me to get over this bout of depression. I think I just need some personal time. Incontrol taught me a nice cookie-cutter build and basically told me to watch lots of streams and tournaments, and to look up a teamliquid build once a day. Then when I can save up enough money I can get another lesson with him and make sure I've been doing my homework right. So do you guys know some Protoss who have streams with commentary? I love TotalBiscuit's stream because his commentary is funny and informative (well as informative as he can be; dApollo helps out with that during tournaments - what I mean is he explains his thought process), but he's a Terran...so not much help.
Two more questions for you all. Am I losing my mind or do Protoss units seem to have very little health? Probably losing my mind. And, would any of you be interested in hearing this INSANE idea I had for a Touhou fan-game a while back?
Currently listening to: The Executioner, from Umineko.