I find in SC2 that I generally have solid matchups, and sucky matchups. These matchups are liable to change on a day to day basis, as I improve and face opponents with better macro and micro than I've ever learnt to face. I love it, constantly facing new challenges and overcoming them is one of the reasons I love SC2. I love seeing myself improve: For example, my APM is now 60-65, when it used to never go above 50 just a week or two ago.
Today's wall was PvP. There are just so many things to fight: 4-Gate, Blink all-in, Immortal push...I seriously considered switching to Terran after about my fourth straight loss to a 1-base push. Then I did some thinking, and realised something about myself. I don't have a problem with being all-ined every game. I have a problem with LOSING to all-ins every game! So I decided to knuckle down and learn to defend them.
I ended up looking up the Robo Twilight build and studying the guide, and mapping out a bit more of a build. I chose Geiko's 3-Gate, into a 32 Robo for DT's if I know they aren't 4-gating (Which should be obvious as a DT build must take a fast second gas) and then making 2 more probes and cutting probes. This is a new experience for me, being able to cut probes and focus on pure units at exactly 24 probes, and it's definitely improved my play, as I've managed to beat 4 out of my last 5 PvP's (And I would have won the fifth if I had remembered I had a Robo to make Immortals out of :/) Simply not making enough units from the 7:00 mark up until I expanded was causing my losses, this I know now. Being able to, in a Zerg-esque manner, focus solely on unit production for a couple of minutes has plugged this weakness.
So now I'm at one of those magical times where all my matchups seem solid. I give it two days, tops, before I hit another wall. My guess is people actually dropping me in PvT. They basically never do, and so I almost always win it. And then I'll learn to overcome that obstacle, and move on. Hopefully the obstacle doesn't pop up before I hit Platinum!
Well, thanks for reading my stream of consciousness. I didn't think anyone would want to read it, before I remembered the amount of time I waste reading blogs that I'm only minimally interested in anyway
Until next time!