Look at how much IdrA talked about wanting to switch race, and now, with only relatively minor balance changes, look how P is on the short end of the stick.
Does Blizzard have a Responsibility to ProGamers, - Page 2
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Canada1637 Posts
Look at how much IdrA talked about wanting to switch race, and now, with only relatively minor balance changes, look how P is on the short end of the stick. | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
On September 07 2011 16:24 Adebisi wrote: So, what do you advocate? You just want Blizzard to be more transparent about how they plan to patch the game? I don't see how that will change anything. The fact is there are two expansions coming, and so there is a very long road until this game will ever be stable, until two years after Legacy of the Void, people just need to roll with the punches and play the hand they've been dealt. Look at how much IdrA talked about wanting to switch race, and now, with only relatively minor balance changes, look how P is on the short end of the stick. We should call that the artosis effect: Artosis plays Zerg, Zerg are the weakest race. Artosis switches to Protoss, Protoss are the weakest race. Artosis should switch to Terran :p Blizzard is definatly talking to progamers, though they are not doing it openly because a lot of progamers don't want to talk openly about balance as to not produce drama and they only talk to those who they think are able to think calmly about the game. Do you want IdrA to balance the game? Or do you want some progamer quoting the private suggestions of another progamer from the suggested private forum because he doesn't agree, doesn't like the other player and wants attention? No, AFAIK many progamers have their channels to blizzard and they are using them, they just don't want publicity/drama. Blizzard is doing a good job balancing the game without breaking it and they give players time to find a solution themselves. If they would always patch the game immedatly it would happen a lot that they then find out that it was actually not that big of a deal and the change actually made the game imbalanced in the other direction. I don't agree with every patch, but in general, the game is now a lot more balanced than one year ago and i think it would only need a tiny change to change the protoss situation again (though i think if you give them a little more time, protoss can solve the problems without balance change). | ||
United States78 Posts
On September 07 2011 16:24 Adebisi wrote: So, what do you advocate? You just want Blizzard to be more transparent about how they plan to patch the game? I don't see how that will change anything. The fact is there are two expansions coming, and so there is a very long road until this game will ever be stable, until two years after Legacy of the Void, people just need to roll with the punches and play the hand they've been dealt. Look at how much IdrA talked about wanting to switch race, and now, with only relatively minor balance changes, look how P is on the short end of the stick. I'm saying yes I am an advocate of more transparency, open communication with players and community, and pro active solutions to issues. I have come to expect a lot of Blizzard. They make great games, but the fail in certain instances where it just doesn't make any sense. Multi viewer support for replays for one. How much easier would that make our lives as casters Adabisi? Casting these MLG replays with a co-caster AND an obs is near impossible to keep synced up*. Yet we do it because we are committed to putting out the best product we can. That seems to be more than Blizzard has been doing. As a consumer, a fan, and an eSports enthusiast I hold Blizzard to a higher standard. They are an extremely profitable company with many resources. To simply accept that I have to wait to purchase the next expansion in hopes of a stable game doesn't sit well with me. Not when there are available solutions to the issue. I could be wrong here. I would LOVE for a Blizzard employee to say no Tumba, no community, it's not that easy. SC2 doesn't have the budget for that. Etc Etc. It's the total lack of communication that is insult on top of injury. Bottom line is with more communication it would be a better experience from the Pro's to the Joe's. I think it would have a positive impact on a community full of cynics. I feel that if the guys at the SC2 team at Blizzard where passionate these priorities would be fixed. But I don't know, cause we are all in the dark. *For those of you that don't know, when you start a replay and a friend starts a replay at the exact same time on occasion (more often than not) even though you started at the same time one will get faster over time (set at the same speed) causing a desync. | ||
Osaka27124 Posts
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Condor Hero
United States2931 Posts
On September 07 2011 17:41 Manifesto7 wrote: Blizzard will do its best, and then the community will try to make up the slack through map design. BW achieved it's parity though accepted map design guidelines that created a fair chance for each race. One only has to look at the difference between blizzard maps and pro maps in BW to see that. Of course, with two more expansions coming there is a long way to go before we can do that. Yes, absolutely agree. Even with good maps though, it's hard to 100% balance anything. In BW there was tons of imba shit but because people were so used to it, it wasn't considered imba anymore, just difficult to deal with. It is frustrating as hell to see esports history being made and hundreds of thousands of dollars being won when we kinda know that the playing field may not have been entirely fair. | ||
Canada220 Posts
There are some points i've been saying about blizzard for a few years. For me personally this problem started a long long time ago during Burning Crusade. Back then WoW was in full tilt. And balance was something of an ongoing process. But here's where I had alot of critisim and problems with Blizzard as game creators. When they released Wrath of the Lich King. There were several "broken" mechanics. But the strannnnngest thing. Was it took me just a few minutes to clue in and say to myself "wtf man are you shitting me... why the fuck would they do etc etc" It really felt like, blizzard had no clue what or how the game is played. I mean, let's look at death knights. They gave them "tank abilities" which ended up being so strong, it took several nerfs to "balance" those moves. But the bottom line, ANYONE who know the game inside and out, instantly recognized the overpowered class mechanics. Only after hundreds of thousands of complaits did things change. About SC2. When the beta was first released. The game had promise, you know.... But then you buy the game. You realized it's the beta.. Nothing new. Nothing .... Almost all together B.Net 2.0 was a giant disapointment. So the second thing I looked at. The map editor. The map editor is along the lines of horrible. Being an expert in the sc1 and wc3 editor. Why the fuck, is the sc2 editor so hard to understand. Not only is it hard to comprehend, it's hard to navigate and find what you're looking for. Popup windows are ... not pop-up windows but pin windows. (which are horribly hard to properly use) Since the very first day I bought SC2. I felt like it was very very very very very underdeveloped. Even with all it's upsides. The game itself is not terrible. But everything around the game IS!! IT IS! IT'S SHIT! The thing that bothers me, and still does. Is blizzard has this ... GIANT niche they can exploit. They have one of the most loyal and hardcore fanbase of all gaming companies. But instead of giving us golden age game (amazing Graphics + years of gameplay enhancement) We get this bronze age.... game. To me what speaks Volumes, is the Korean reception to SC2. At first, it seemed like it was a legit follow up to sc1. But then after exposure I came to realize SC2 is not anywhere near close to be being as big in Korean as sc1. I asked myself why? The crowd, blizzard failed to make a game. That pleased the crowd. A non loyal fan of blizzard would probably not really like the product he bought. It took some time for me to get into sc2. I had too play for a few months before it grew on me. But honestly.. Blizzard owed it to all of it's fans to give us everything they had. To give us more then we expected. And man they failed hardcore. I read 1 argument that the stockholders are it's reponsibility... Well here's an argument okay. WoW made billions of free money with subscriptions. But what did the community get in return for all it's donations? Hardly anything. Slow additional content. Constant class changes (really shows balance problems when you need to continuously adjust spells) The thing is, the community IS blizzards backbone. Their games without it's fanbase are worthless. Blizzard never thought to look into WHY people loved their games. At the time of each new game until sc2. The games had Game breaking new concepts. the multi player experience was perhaps flawed at times. But it was fun! The people at blizzard need a real awakening about how disapointing there past few products have been. I also agree that blizzard has very little communication with it's community. On this part I actually don't blame blizzard. Hearing all the crying about imbalance really does get annoying. How are you suppose to work with (this unit is too strong)... Okay well. We can't just nerf all the strong units so they're shit... Wtf is the point of even having strong units then? I think the real way of balancing the game is too add new upgrades/units that require more skill and rely less on strength in numbers. Honestly. Blizzard is lacking ambition to be someting more then it is. They seem content with what they've accomplished. The Teams at that company are far undermanned for what the fans expect. It's just not a winning situation for anyone. It's sad really. Blizzard really has potential to be God Like. They were on that path for quite some time. But fell off it and never got back on it. | ||
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