I know blogs should be something personl but I think this is personal enough to write about it because I think esport is close to my heart. Here we go (MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FROM TODAY GSL) :
Well guys since the release of SC2 we see how the game evolves and develops but now seems we enter this stall phase that every T is rolling the other races by doing the 1/1/1 build in TvP in every variation or exploting unit micro,timings or even build orders in TvZ matchup. You can copy some T strats from top terran and still win even if you are not that good of a player. First of all that's not because the build is imba its because Z and P nowdays don't play safe and try to cut so many corners to get ahead that their build becoms a circle insed of well rounded square. Second lets face it now in KR terrans are way way ahead of other races why ? It's not because the terran is ez to master its because terran has players like MVP,whole pack of slayers terrans with Boxer leading them and lots of other talented players who absorb each other knowledge to gain advantages over other races. If you watched SC2 closely you will see how every now and then there is 1 guy from the T that breaks the metagame and just rolls everybody (MKP showing us awesome ways to exploit MnM units,SlayerS with their hellion builds TvZ,Ganzi doing Mech TvT and rolling MVP and starting the mech switch in TvT and lots of others that i can't rly remember now). Nowdays Terrans are so far ahead that i watched MVP vs Nestea game 6times in a row and had no idea how he could have won that game even if he defended those drops and had his all tech going up. He had no chance to attack he had no idea when to attack, he had no BO advantages or any timings he was behind from the start......
I don't see any innovative plays from any of the code S Toss players or Zerg maybe because the format is so bad right now so players like Sage,YoungHwa,JYP can't play now in code S to show how to exploit some weaknesses in currnet meta. Zerg kinda maybe has his guys Nestea and DGR who can lead the pack to victory but I don't see any players from the P side in code S to do that. Why because toss players relayed to much on on their timing attacks and their gimmicky play to win games nobody drives the Protoss race to learn new stuff and to be better and when they hit all those new builds from T and sometimes Z they roll over and die and cry in the corner , that is not the way to do it guys and thats why i'm writing this blog because attitude like this is driving me mad and its hurting the game. Even Alicia and Cella said how current builds are op and no way to beat them this is just awful was this the reason you become a pro gamer is this the passion for game ? If sAviOr was thinking like you guys he never would have won all those titles on imba maps were B-teamer terrans rolled him in practice. Think about it how would you know something is broken when you don't even know how it works the game is 1year old and we have no clue how to play the right way or saying something is broken when one of the players made so many mistakes that it doesn't matter what build the other guy does is just dumb (example Puzzle vs Ryung game 1 today and Puma vs MC games from IEM,all Slayers vsZ games on MLG ) . If you think that P and Z superstars are on the same level as the T well you are wrong because in recent games I can click the stop on the replay and point out HUDGE flaws in their play and you can't say the same about our T superstars like MVP,MMA .Terran has already figured out their standard for now we have no idea what is standard and how is the best to play in the moment so insted of whine and spam on twitter how imba it is or on some shows we need to start practice and get better to clear our wholes and bumps in our game so we can have that standard.So when we have the basic solid build we can put a next level and start to exploit the terran ourselfs.
The other reason I think 1race is way ahead in the others is because GSTL is winners format If they change it like it is in PL will be huge + for the players because all teams will work together vs top players to snipe them and will drive the game foward insted of backwards like we see nowdays. Where we see beta builds like 1/1/1 3gate voidrays, 6rax stim.....
I hope you understand my points I like to know what you guys think and sorry for any typos I made.