I'm here!
I rode first class on standby cuz it was empty. Maybe 16 first class seats, and we had four people in first class. 3 of us were in standby. If you've never flown first class before, and you get the chance, do it. It's freaking royalty. 5 course meal, plated and all, with like unlimited drinks and snacks. The seat is ridiculously comfortable and has a foot rest. WTF. You feel so rich when you fly first class after flying coach all your life. It was amazing. Flight was 10 hours, but didn't actually feel that long.
View from the sky:
![[image loading]](http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/8044/031ou.jpg)
Incheon Airport is beautiful. RIDICULOUSLY clean. The floors are seriously spotless. The architecture is very refreshing. Also, Korean airport police are BADASS. Mp5s, and some other probably automatic rifle wielding, sunglasses toting, and look like their 20. They looked so cool, I wanted to join the Korean police. Anyway...
After landing last night and trying to find my hotel that they told me didn't exist, I settled into my room and then knocked the fuck out. I probably went to sleep at like 8pm, cuz I only had 4 hours of sleep the night before. I woke up at around 7am to some nice T-ara. (left the TV on)
Did some pushups, then showered and packed my bag that I was going to take around. Left the hotel, took a taxi to the subway station, then caught the subway to Seoul.
![[image loading]](http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/2558/044aur.jpg)
Seriously. Day9 said it, I'll say it again. Seoul is FCKING HUGE. Ridiculously huge. Seriously. I'm pretty sure it's bigger than Hawaii. The trains that run in Seoul have a million stops. Seoul is HUGE. Some spots are SUPER crowded, and some not so much.
After getting lost and just milling around I've come to the realization that people think I'm Korean. I've been asked, greeted, talked to in Korean. Then I speak English to them and they trip balls. Haha, kind of entertaining usually. I got a discount at a store today (cuz I spoke English? maybe. she just smiled at me when I made an expression cuz it was cheaper then marked and said 10% discount) while I was buying these nice LG earphones cuz I left mine in my hotel room but brought my Zune. It makes me kinda sad though, I wish I had put in more effort to learn Korean...
Anyway, after running around Seoul and just looking at shit, I decided to try and find the GSL studio since I didn't wanna get lost and miss it. The subways were so confusing, but it was kinda my fault. I got off like 3 different 신정 stops and the #3 exit did NOT look like the pictures. I went to Shinjeong/Mokdong the first time but didn't come out of the right subway line so didn't really know how to get to the high school (since it's kinda tucked away). Then took the train to Shinjeon (FML), then took the train back to Shinjeong but got off at the wrong stop, and then finally ended up on the purple number 5 line and got off on the correct exit. Never have been more happy to see 자임하스 in my life. Everything else was kinda easy and I found the studio. It was like 1:30pm so I still had lotsa time to kill.
As I was walking around the area (but making sure not to stray too far) I found this small shop and got some 떡뽂이 (2500원) . HOLY SHIT it was spicy, I've had it in Hawaii but man that was so mild compared to this. My eyes watered and my nose ran every time I ate a piece, but it was still so damn good. Tried some Pocari Sweat... don't like it. Milkis better. ^^
![[image loading]](http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/365/046ls.jpg)
So then I'm sitting in this PC bang, in the non-smoking area, thank God, drinking an iced coffee, sitting next to a guy playing some random SC2 mod, no Idea what it is, but it looks fun. Lol. I would ask him if he's going to ask GSL but he looks really into it. Also SC2 isn't as big as WC or Dota it seems, from what people are playing here. Anyway, I need to buy a power converter cuz the one I brought, I left a piece at home so it's useless. T.T Everything here is actually pretty cheap, so I'm liking it so far. Also prices come out to a nice even xx00, I don't know why we have stupid tax in US and always get millions of pennies.
View from street by studio
![[image loading]](http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/9452/047gz.jpg)
Gom Studio
![[image loading]](http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/1719/049nui.jpg)
Anyway, I have not run into any progamers or SNSD on the street yet, but I'm hoping it'll happen.
Also, look out for my cheerful tonight! ^^
I'll try to get a pic with some progamers, but if not hopefully I can snag one with John or Tastosis. ^^
Wish me luck. Also, MMA 화이팅!
That's all for now, I won't be able to check up on this probably till I get back to my hotel room. (after GSL) Thanks to everyone who's been keeping up with my blogs! See you at GSL!
![[image loading]](http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/683/077gc.jpg)
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![[image loading]](http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/4770/084mo.jpg)
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That's my gom shirt with BoxeR and Cella's signature. ^^
![[image loading]](http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/4610/093xr.jpg)