So had to do the first 5 placements. Did 3 of them so far.
I'm Platinum (1v1) myself, but since I never did team anything since the beta, I had no idea who I would play with or against.... turned out it was 3 games of me + 3 bronzies.
Gotta just say...
Bronze is pretty varied in skill. O.o I was expecting just straight god awfulness... but some of the guys were not that bad at all. Had the right idea of what to do.... looked like they made workers a good amount.... joined me for my attacks.... some general decent play. Very impressed!
It was fun though, and I think I might do some 2s for a while since it was fun actually! Just hope I get to where its good games, not me doing my thing and that being enough on its own. :D I figure that should be in about 3 more games, but hey. Enjoyment was had. Cool shit.
Since bronze is the bottom, the skill range is huge. I've played with the worst of the worst. They basically play the game as a 1v1, and mass units in their base and never help their teammates. They only push out when they're at 200/200 and by then their teammates are most likely dead
you're inexperience at the bracket makes the enemies look skilled.
sure some have good BO's some have good micro, some even have half decent macro
but they all have terrible decision making. they pick their build at the start and make no adjustments all game long. identifying what faggy build they are doing is the key to stomping low lvl 2v2
or just banshee rush
Just wait. When you get higher and higher you start seeing some of the most abusive strategies ever made. However, i think one of the most satisfying thing ever is holding an early push by your opponetts and then proceeding to roll them.
I quit Random 2v2's after I kept getting paired with bronze-gold (I'm diamond) against Plat teams, I got tired of them doing some random build, failing, then bitching at me because I didn't help them, then I have to singlehandedly beat the other team because my teammate let all his workers die when they killed his base...Although I guess it wasn't that bad, I've had one teammate literally say 'OMG i just jizzed in my pants' after he saw my Marine vs Baneling micro, so i guess it's all worth it.
On August 16 2011 20:45 awu25 wrote: Since bronze is the bottom, the skill range is huge.
True - i know some players which doesnt play that often but watching streams every night for their entertainment. These guys wont be better than silver because they doesnt play enough but on the other hand they are well experienced (decision making and so on). Calling anyone "bad" just for being bronze- placed is pathetic in my opinion.
I like playing with my ally. Otherwise I don't do team games. generally speaking there are only two strategies in team games. cheese like crazy, or prepare to defend against crazy cheese. Me and my buddy are pretty standard players 1v1, so we fall into the latter category. Basically when you defend its like w00t we win.
^ Yea, that's kind of how I handled things.
"Okay, I play standard, so let's chill for a bit"
"Okay, its double terran, both went 2 rax, both lack gas... get ready for an all in. Maybe make a bunker or two here (ping dat map)"
Basically just let them kill themselves, while I chat casually with the teammate.
Just hoping that I get paired with decent people when I finish placements later tonight. (Or get some of my friends to do real 2v2 with me. They are low level too, but that would just be a blast regardless.)
yeh random 2v2 is not a fun place to be, once u get to diamond you get idiots as partners 90% of the time and arranged teams who will rush you and ur teammate wont be ready even though you have eithier called it already or scouted it.