First, some clarification. If I am giving a range, it usually means there is a bit of uncertainty regarding the specificity of searches - i.e., is this search REALLY trying to find the person we are looking at. In these cases, the lower bound is pretty certainly verified and accounted for, the upper bound tries to cover any side avenues of "income" as well as any uncertain searches, and the average if given is the amount I believe to most accurately represent the search volume after taking into account uncertain searches and other side avenues.
Idra? 246,000 global searches/month
HuK? Hard to say, his name is kind of generic. But, judging by trust rank and various similar search phrases... lower bound of 100-200k range (similar searches, i.e. not "HuK" but say "HuK games", that definitely refer to our lovely protoss make up ~100k alone), upper bound... 1.2 million lol.
Nestea? Almost certainly under 10k/month - Likely to be in the 3k-5k range, if even 5k.
oGsMC? 15-25k/month range.
DeMusliM? ~5.5k, about Nestea range if not slightly higher.
Let's go for a more well known European. I dunno though, who would be appropriate? Ah, let's try WhiteRa.
He gets... ~25k, maybe a bit more, but most likely not significantly more.
Jinro? 45-50k, again, maybe a bit more, but most likely not significantly more.
The one that trumps them all....teamliquid. Over 700k/month.
These were done really quickly btw, so don't expect it to be SUPER scientific. Call it Top Gear science - totally unscientific but informative.
Any suggestions for more data? I can look whatever up real quick.
edit - For reference, porn gets searched about 1.7 billion times per month. And Lebrom James about 5-6 million times.
Take it how you will, but our unscientific survey says Idra and HuK are the ambassadors of SC2.
On August 05 2011 13:01 Gamegene wrote:
BoxeR, QXC and TLO.
BoxeR, QXC and TLO.
BoxeR looks to be at about 30k/month, maybe a bit more.
QXC about 15k
Um.... fuck TLO is difficult. Minimum 50k, range is way too fucking wide lol, but almost certainly below 100k.
On August 05 2011 13:51 Haegr9599 wrote:
be interested to see the numbers behind: Day9, Destiny, Fruitdealer, Flash, and Jaedong
be interested to see the numbers behind: Day9, Destiny, Fruitdealer, Flash, and Jaedong
Day9, as mentioned above, is in the 1.0-1.8 million range, most likely at ~1.4million/month.
Destiny is obviously going to be a bit unclear on the range due to his generic name, but I estimate about he is within the 65k-100k range, wherein 65k is an established lower bound. Assuming more generic searches that somehow end up working, I doubt he passes the 100k ceiling.
Fruitdealer - 16k-25k range. Like in the case of the Destiny, I highly doubt that upper bound is approached.
Note that Flash and Jaedong probably get the majority of their searches in Korea, which predominantly uses Naver, not Google, so take these numbers with a grain of salt and look for a distant mountain.
Flash - 20k-25k
Jaedong - Same range as flash, 20-25k
On August 05 2011 14:46 Gamegene wrote:
Lindsey Sporrer, Mr. Chae, HDStarcraft, HuskyStarcraft, TotalBiscuit, Tasteless, Artosis, (Tastosis too please), Mr. Bitter
Let's get some of the nonplayers out of the way.
Lindsey Sporrer, Mr. Chae, HDStarcraft, HuskyStarcraft, TotalBiscuit, Tasteless, Artosis, (Tastosis too please), Mr. Bitter
Let's get some of the nonplayers out of the way.
Lindsey Sporrer - 260
Mr. Chae - 140
HDStarcraft - 60-80k, possiblility of another 100-150k but can't really tell if the search is for him or generic HD stuff. Could be even some more, but again, his name makes specificity hard ><
HuskyStarcraft - 330-400k
TotalBiscuit - 50k-170k, not really sure whether certain searches are specifically for him or not.
Tasteless - Well, depending on how you interpret the legitimacy of the search term "Tasteless", could be as low as 8k or as high as around 70k.
Artosis - 60-70k
Tastosis - 1300
Mr. Bitter - 5-8k
edit - On further inspection, TotalBiscuit has gained another 27k searches. Now he's in the 77k-197k range, but like all the other youtube/blip/etc channel uploaders, the search number is likely an understatement and/or incomplete image of popularity. Evidence - TotalBiscuit has 417,653 Youtube subscribers.
On August 05 2011 15:04 Ciryandor wrote:
Ok let's do it BW Style!
Kim Carrier
and for kicks: Bonjwa
Ok let's do it BW Style!
Kim Carrier
and for kicks: Bonjwa
Bisu - man why did he have to pick a "common" name - as in it actually translates. Well, depending on whether people are actually searching for bisu (which they probably or) or are searching for daggers, range from 20k-100k, perhaps some more if the former is true.
YellOw - Common names... fuck my life. He is almost certainly probably below 20k, probably below 10k, possibly below 5k.
sAviOr - sigh... less than 5k.
Julyzerg - 10k-35k, but most likely in the ~15k area.
NaDa - 7k-12k
Kim Carrier - 390
On August 05 2011 15:16 Gamegene wrote:
How about some non common names?
Jaedong Fantasy iloveoov
also: do you have a lot of free time on your hands o.O? Very interesting numbers.
How about some non common names?
Jaedong Fantasy iloveoov
also: do you have a lot of free time on your hands o.O? Very interesting numbers.
Jaedong I did earlier. Think he was 20k-25k.
Fantasy is... btw I really really hate these commons names, but, probably below 2k
iloveoov - 3.5-5k range.
To answer your second question, I'm just bored.