We are a ZP team with me as the zerg and we are mid masters
Usefull links for the aspiring 2v2 player
Day 9- 2v2 Basics
Day9-2v2 analysis
Player list for 2 v 2
Post below to add your name for 2v2's with me or anyone else
Darkdeath 210 NA
Current Plans
Me and my friend hope to paly at least 5 games every night
Update this blog with what i learned from each days practice
Signed up for NESE
long way down the road possibly streaming
Current Objectives
Actually develop a build- We have only been playing a more reactive style and i fear that at the top of masters it wont work.
How to deal with double early pool in a shared base map- When we have seprate bases our strategy is for me to die as slow as possible while the p fourgates. On a shared base map that dosent really work.
Improving as a 1 v 1 player- I still can be so much better as a 1v1 player but i do seem to play better in 2v2 for some reason. By better i mean just better mechanics overall.
Practice Sessions
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Day 1- Getting supply blocked when doing a 10 pool at 10 is bad. lol
against anyone below master the answer is almost always macro.
If the opponet does an early pool against my 10 pool we win. unless i forget overlord
getting an early plus 1 for roachs can turn many a battle.
Fungal pluss colossi = Awesome
Highlight of the night - passing fxotguns team on the ladder. Ive played tgun in the used map setting star strikers game and i gained mad respect for him when i told him zerg was underpowered and he responded by saying we just bitch more. Became an instant fan. However the joke of the night became when i told my friend that i was bad and he responded by saying "dude your better than Tgun" i thought about gloating to tgun by messaging him but thought better of it and instead let my play do tha talking
Overall record for the night 4-1 (God damn overlord)
Day 2
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I watched protechs stream and my inital observation is how aggresive he can be and still get a large amount of drones. One build that ill have to have someone explain to me or get a better look at it was his infestor rush he got the quickest lair i had ever seen and immediatly went for infestors.
Game 1 or why i dont like to random 2v2
Teammates name was ieatpoop or something.... i didnt have high hopes for my teammate... you have to watch to believe.
Game 2
My teammate got on and were thrown right into the fire going up against a favored team. Felt like we were ahead and then we just went into a bad engagement attacking into a big concave probally when we should have just not attacked.
Watched the replay saw we were ahead saw that they were rank 2 masters... frown town.
Game 3
Illustrates why you should not divide armies in 2v2
Game 6
Only game we won that night. hold off bunker and stalker rush. God i wish i could chrono a stalker in a 1v1 when im being bunker rushed. I think our opponets were bad in this game.
Some lessons learned
Dont atk into a concave espcially when ahead perhaps be more passive when lead is clear
always keep armies together
From protechs stream- be more agressive with early units including p partner.
Other Notes
Still ahead of Tgun so thats all that really matters. We had been on a very long win streak so i expected us to face some high masters players soon so gonna have to raise our game. despite losing many games i think our opponets were always favored so we lost like 10 points overall
1-5 for the night
Day 3
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Game 1
Ran into what i tohugh was a pretty good build a fass conncusive shell with a 2 gate zealot rush did a lot of damage were unable to hold all in.
Possible answer mass speedlings???
walling off might have been a mistake
Game 3
Hold early push with roachs and blink stalkers nerual parasite ftw
Lessons learned
Have to find answers for specific builds such as concussive timing.
Nerual parasite against double robo as gateway army will be small
blink stalkers for harass as well as scouting
Record for the night 3-3
still ahead of tgun but it was it little to close for comfort at one point.
Day 4
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Played 7 random 2v2's record 5-2
nothing to see here when i lost my partner left the game at start not wirth putting replays of random 2v2 untill i get into diamond.
Day 5
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Another day of all randoms i guess ill post the replays just for the hell of it but my opponets were not good.
I was able to neural parasite a probe and do a manner nexus in one game though so at least that was intresting.
Hopefully i will get promoted soon so the games are of a higher level.
5-0 for the night thats 8 wins in a row for anyone counting, (I Am)
Day 6
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Game 2
Couple of nice holds here opponet was kind of dead once their first push didnt work.
Game 3
Very strange game. I think the close positions on boneyard make it reall strange to try to expand besides the back door expansion. We were able to mine out a goal while they only had 3 bases the whole game. Opponet was starved out and had no choice to gg. I think we played it out wrong by attacking ftw instead we should made a point t take another base due to the large amount of siege tanks they had. I guess a win is a win. Dt harass was annoying.
Lessons Learned
Need to remember roach speed. Roach speed and overlord speed are now my 2 most popular upgrades to miss and it happens a lot.
Need to remember to inject even when maxed.
need to start making a point to put infestors in seprate hot key so they dont die when atking in big engagements.
Day 7
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Game 1-4
Why do people insist on telling me what to do. Attacking up a ramp that has cannons and sentries is not a good idea ok. Player called me a wuss for not atacking in that situation i call myself the winner.
Game 5
10 pool spots a off hex wall off and my zerglings are able to get in but dont do much. The scouting info i got gave me the stench of a 4 gate and sure enoguh a 4 gate with a 3 rax meets us at our natural we are able to hold but i had to pump a lot of roaches and get spines to hold but we are able to do so. They expo. I think about going hydra but we decide not to. I think it was a mistake due to the 4 gate and 3 rax i think i would have gotten a lot of hydras before there would be any siege tanks or signficant amount of collosi. Go infestor instead. Our large atk gets held and we probally shouldent have even attacked and should just taken the map and denyed expos. We lose colosi advantage and are never able to get up a good amount of infestors and we eventuall succumb to the superior collosi numbers.
Record for the night 4-1
stop attacking into concave
Dont listen to random teammates
Trust judgments regarding timings ie hydras vs 4 gates and 3 raxes
pick better times to be aggresive
take map when warrented.
Day 8
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Games 1-2
Some non intresting victories
Game 3-5
All losses. Need better scouting. Would help if i could talk to partner and tell them they are being dumb. but alas i keep mouth shut and lose. I also wasnt feeling well so i think my apm was suffering in these games.
http://drop.sc/26125 6 rax and roach rush---- need to scout by marine count
http://drop.sc/26126 You ever get that feeling when u listen to your teammate that he is really just tying you down to the train tracks and you can hear the train coming....thats what this game felt like
Lessons learned
use things like marine count to scout all ins
Day 9
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Game 1
I like how my teammate got all his blink stalkers stuck. I helped him out though easy victory.
Game 2
You know you out played your opponett when they just gg without a major engagement and just quitmdue to hopelessness. Mass Mutas ftw.
Game 3
In honor of day 9 we tried doing some 2v2's inspired by some of his funday mondays. The only game that worked was when we both played protoss and didnt build any pylons in our base. Now we played on one of our smurfs thinking we would have no chance on our master account. We won the game even with my herp the derp 60 apm protoss and much to my shock our opponets were a diamond team
Game 4
Cannon rush lucky coin flip bull crap. Should have sent zerglings to their base in response.
Game 5
Record for the night 4-1
Lessons learned
Dont let probe wall off our mineral lines.
My apm i really low with protoss.
Day 10
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Game 1- There is no such thing as cheese in 2v2
ZZorange: rush some moar plox
ZZorange has reconnected.
You: u dont understand 2v2 sry
ZZorange: i dont
but i heard
its a place for those who are bad at 1 v 1
to feel better about themselves
You: its not 1v1
its diffrent
ZZorange: your right
it takes less skill
good day rushers
You: rofl
The player is ignoring you.
Maybe you shouldnt play so greedy in 2v2. Both ts skiping their marines agains double zerg come on.
Game 2- lasted way 2 long for game that was over
Game 3- Im starting to think as a double zerg team vs a single zerg it might be benefical to just kill the z and play a 2v1
Game 4- Double p is awful
Game 5- I scouted the reactor and factory and thought it would be hellions i was wrong
Lessons learned
scout front more.
Day 11
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Game 1 - What? i dont even what is going on....
Game 2 - 5
Arranged teams vs random teams is such bull crap
http://drop.sc/26688- The idea of a 10 pool is not to kill the other guys. My teammate made way 2 many zerglings.
sigh 1-4
Day 12
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What the starcraft gods taketh they give right back. After a tough day yesterday a quick winning streak leads to a promotion to diamond for my random team. I am also starting to be matched with master teams and players so hopefully i will get in there soon as well. A coupple of gems in here today.
Game 1-
Did you know it takes a lot of banelings to kill roaches. I do thats why when i see them i run my roachs right into them and let my partner roll on.
Game 2-
10 pool does a lot of dmg and over reaction by zerg and super obivous 4 gate leads to easy win.
Game 3-
Loved this game. Double early pool from opposition with a drone pulled from each. My 10 pool and spine crawler with drones and scvs pulled are able to hold. A back and forth battle allows my t partner to get a tech advantage leading to the gg.
Game 4-
Must get scout in when opponets stay on one base but it is hard. Overlord speed a must?????? Maybe an overseer?
Lessons learned
Must get scout in when opponett is one baseing for long period
Day 13
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Game 2- nice hold. Double zerg i feel needs to kill a single zerg team by killing zerg.
Game 4- Ok if i 10 pool i am atacking to screw up their build orders. Not so you can do crapy cannon rushes that wont work!!!!
Game 5- See what happens when you listen to me. Same partner as game 4 dosent cannon and guess what happens we win.
exractor trick before overlord on 10 pool
cannon rush with 10 pool is dumb
Day 14
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Game 1- 10 pool does a lot of dmg 4 gate follow up 2 much for double z to handle. I like the little wall off with the pylons for better wall offs by my partner here. probally only good vs zerg though.
Game 2- Hatch first? really... you try that shit against me... what did you think was gonna happen.
Game 3- How did the protoss have so much stuff?
Game 4- Dont know what the guy was talking about at the end we just won because so many more expos.
Game 5- first ever quad zerg for me. I thought it was fun. sniping banelings with roachs so my teammates zeglings dont die to roachs.
Day 15
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Game 1-Why... why do terrible p partners insist on cannon rushing with an early pool it defeats the purpose.
Game 2- I'm not liking a heavy bio force with t in team games i think a marine medvac siegetank mix is the way to go. Esppecially in a mirror match up as the tanks need to be dealt with.
Game 3- Nice hold of 3 rax and early pool speed all in. 10 kill spine crawler
Game 4 - Wow. my partner proxys right in there face and what do they do...... pull all there workers... you guys know that there is one more player in the game right. what you think was gonna happen.
Game 5- bad control by teammate should have focuse zealot and proceed to rool p with zerglings but what ever
ok night game 3 was fun
Day 16
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Game 1- Double 7 pool. My teammate shouldent have walled in as made him give up all his zealots for free. The wall in dosent really serve any purpose as by the time a forge or stalker would get up they would have already broken it.
Game 2-I noticed on pro techs stream when he 10 pools he goes for zergling speed right away.I tried it this game and unlike my 10 poolmit delays my queen a bit and dosent transition into my fast roachs and quick lair as well. Ill need to examine more to see if the fast speed is necessary.
Game 3-I was gonna give a detailed analysis of this game. But we had a 44 kill colosi in this game which is far more intresting and entertaining.
Game 4- Double 6 rax hold. yay
Game 5- Perfect scouting leads to perfect win
examine use of early speed in 10 pool
Day 17
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Game 1- My teammate talks way 2 much. Also this game was over at the 6 min mark everthing else was irrelevant.
Game 2- My teammate made 60 drones...... he had no attacking units...... we died.
Game 3- they got more bases
game 4- My teammate made 30 workers for this 30 min game.... fucking baddie
Game 5 - i dont want to talk about
Day 18
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The prodigal son returns but would it mean more victories?
A new style as well trying to be as aggresive as possible in these games
Game 1- Should have had my lair sooner probally would have won if i did
Game 2- Double P still awful. Our proxy just rolls them.
Game 3- Huge agression pays off. Stalker rush with a ton of speedlings into a 4 gate too much to handle.
Game 4- didnt scout the cannon rush and we walled in so we died.
Game 6- Easy. 6 rax never scares me when i do our standard build with the amount of stalkers and roachs we have it just wont work.
Game 7- Maybe if the colosi come out just a sec sonner we hold. I played bad that game missed injects should have had more drones.
Game 8- 4 rax and 3 gate gets stomped
Heavy agression can pay off
fix bad mechanics when in battles
Day 19
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Game 1- Nice hold there. would have won earlier but somebody Not gonna name nameswas floating a lot of minerals this game made it a little closer than it needed to be. jk
but not really
Game 2- Should have not engaged in that choke for first atk and should have left the contain after ur expos were done. Still held on to win.
Game 3 - as standard as they come.
4-1 for the night a good day
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