So, I walked my dog. at 11pm. that was nice. I was still bored. So, i went to go maybe watch some sc2 streams. IPL is on! hurray! I was lulled into a false sense of being entertained for the night. However, IPL's stream times work out so that whenever i start to watch, they are on the last game and probably halfway through. So....what to do.....let's fire up starcraft 2 and play team games!
Let me let you into my mind. I'm a diamond protoss. a DIAMOND protoss. A few months ago, I had choreographed builds for protoss vs every race that i practiced a lot. Then one day i mass laddered and got to diamond, triumphantly. I don't play 1v1 to preserve my shiny badge of honor.
So I'm playing me some team games. I go zerg. I have 6 pool figured out perfectly, down to the double extractor trick. So this round of games I figure I'll 7 pool to see what all the rage is about. Turns out 7 pool is the shit. enough time to make a drone and overlord before endless waves of lings? yes please kerrigan<3. So I win about 7 games, lose one. I keep on getting matched with random people and winning straight up with my 7 pool. So I started musing
What If i randomed 1v1? I have basic mechanics for every race. I could be a gold and figure out the game without build orders! Genius!
So I begin my trek for 1v1 random glory! First Match: Zerg vs Protoss. I use my 7 pool magical powers and win! Next Match: Protoss vs Zerg! I cringe
Protoss vs Zerg is a matchup I have no understanding of, probably because of the lack of scouting i always have. Well, they completely F***ed up protoss with the patch, so I decided to just wing a 3 gate expand. The match was on some map with a terrible wall off point, so i walled with a pylon and a gateway, and expanded at about 33 supply and added a forge. I was getting denied scouting of his third, so i decided to do a 5 gate+1 attack timing attack and deny that expobitch. As I rolled out, to my dismay, appeared the Roach ling push of death! I ff'd to my skill level and broke eve, with my gates kicking in at the end. So then i went through a period of just probing up and getting collosus and blink and more upgrades, when i saw it was 14 minutes and remembered how everyone tells me 14 mins is late for 3rd! I must get 3rd! SO i take my third and it is immediately blocked by roaches. So i go to kill him and he pulls out 10 infestors and tons of roaches! he should of fucked me up completely with fungals and neurals but i blinked and killed them all. i proceeded to take my 3rd and just army push my way to victory. IT FELT GREAT. Andrenaline was pumping through my veins. I remembered how much I love starcraft 2 and the micro intensive protoss.
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Teenage boy does nothing all day then masses stalkers and collosus vs zerg and feels great about it and gets andrenaline rush and loves sc2 even more