I'm watching "When Cheese Fails 101" and worrying about Kiwikaki. Cheese...kiwi...now I want food. (Even though he's named after the bird, not the fruit.) I will not be able to relax until he gets a win. I should be writing chapter nine of my Touhoumon World Link Nuzlocke run (please, please, please just don't ask) but I don't want to until I get at least one get-well wish for my mom from my adoring public (which is made up of a grand total of THREE people)...I told them I'd probably be away while mum was in the hospital and not one get-well wish. Got a ton when I mentioned my diabetic cat (which was very much appreciated don't get me wrong) but none for my mom?? Hm...
Would it be awkward to ask iNcontroL for lessons as someone who really doesn't like IdrA, considering they're on the same team?
Still hungry. I would very much like a kiwi. (NO, not like THAT...perverts.)
Anyone else notice I'm using a lot of parenthesis in this post?
Well Shoutcraft is on. I think I'll go watch. I'm angry that the Shoutcraft invitational clashes with the IPL stream. I want to watch SeleCT and Socke in that and I want to hear TB's epic casting but I also want to watch the IPL! Dammit TB...