It's nearly four in the afternoon when I decided to write this blog. I've just now gotten out of bed. Earlier, I woke up to what felt like the start of a certain summer movie including the three best friends that anyone could have with a penchant for partying. I was in a cold sweat, but the room was incredibly hot and stuffy. My head rings like gong when I sit up. The flood of pain prompts me to tumble over to the washroom for the first of many rounds. What the hell happened last night?
I race through my mind, trying to put together the pieces of previous night. It started innocently enough at a work party, where free drinks began to plant the seeds of my later destruction. After a few hours pass, I notice my blackberry has begun to buzz violently in my pocket. I look down to read three simple words. "On our way." I make my goodbyes with nearby crowd, and set forth across downtown. At this point, and nearly six hours of free drinks, the booze has begun to sink its teeth into me. However, I have not yet begun to defile myself.
It is during this trip that I met the guest stars of this night's entertainment. A young french couple, riding bicycles to the same bar I am headed. For the life of me, I cannot remember their names. Apparently, like myself, they did not know what they were getting into. We arrive at the pub, pushing our way through the larger than normal crowd (thanks, stampede) to see two nerds sitting with two beers. These two men, my partners in crime, have been through this before. Not their first rodeo.
Now, it is this point that the evening begins to slip away. Honest enough at first. Some wings are ordered, lots of lively chat as I see one of the nerds try to explain what Starcraft is to the lovely french girl. You definitely get an "A" for effort on that one KnightofNi. However, it is when He arrives that the debauchery truly starts to unfold. This transition is marked by a single, haunting image burned into my memory (and my phone).
![[image loading]](
Damn you, cowboy Chill. I'm left now with a spotty recollection of events. A toke of something, a shot of something else. Sharing a scotch with a man who looked like Stone Cold Steve Austin... but with glasses. A french girl declaring RevDime and KnightofNi as "her nerds". A "quack".
Then the night drew darker. A crying french girl trying to hug me. A tall zombified-drunk nerd stumbling through the tiny halls of the bar. A french-man peeling off on his bike, alone. A horrified waitress, trying to explain to me how there was no tip left due the absent french-man. A french girl and zombified nerd getting into a cab together. And finally a cowboy throwing me into a cab, giving me a temporary ban from downtown (thanks for that, Blake).
So Nerd Drinks Patch Version 1.1 was successfully downloaded, installed and ran. Maybe next patch I'll scan first for a hidden virus.