In this thread, PearlsBeforeSwine asked for someone lend a voice, and I offered my help - whether I'm chosen or not matters little for this blog (though I would very much like to do it). It reminded me what I enjoy doing, in a week where I've enjoyed doing little.
So here is my offer: I'll take on any voice work that people need, for free (within reason), since I'll need a portfolio to get anywhere, in return for a credit on the piece, freedom to use it in a portfolio, and preferably an excerpt to blog here. As I said before - accents are my strong suit, imo.
Here is me talking nonsense - as I said in the above thread, this was whilst I was off sick from work, and ad-libbed, so don't judge me on the content, pretty please.
Ask for an accent, and I shall do it, if I can't, I'll learn it. Impressions are harder, I'd probably be unlikely to want to learn a new impression, and they take an awfully long time to get right, it might leave all concerned frustrated and disappointed.
I have no idea if anyone will take me up on this, but either way, writing this gives me impetus, which is what I needed.
Constructive criticism is always welcomed.