Ironically I got promoted to the Master league as a zerg player after a long losing streak against terran and then winning a single zvz off a High Diamond player. It obviously felt good being promoted, yet it certainly didn't comfort me at all that the matchup I was the most confident in a few months ago, now lies in shatters. I die to all kinds of stupid garbage in the ZvT matchup. Mutas are too weak, infestors are too dumb and my zerglings are all too willing to die as cannonfodder. Lots of rage and rage yet very little directed at my opponent. For the better of the starcraft community lol.
However after finding out how to tackle the ZvP and ZvZ I find myself at a crossroad dealing with the insane amount of different openings and pushes that terrans can throw at you. Blue Flame hellions murdered my whole drone family! 3 rax marine kills stuff pretty good with stutter step! Someone suggested playing with sheths heavy infestor play, but the problem lies in me losing my nerve in the early game. And any followup marine tank sheningans is gonna kill me without much trouble.
Cloak banshee makes me want to punch a Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones!
Speaking of which Game of Thrones finale is gonna be on today. Oh yeah. Hope that boy king gets whats coming to him.
### Dreamhack:
So I used a betting site to put down some sure money on oGsMC vs. Idra. 30 DKK which isn't a huge amount, but still a fair bit of money. I felt comfortable that Idra would somehow not match MC's level with sickness and overall unstable play throughout the tournament. Turned out I was right and MC took the 2 games despite being on the defense most of the game.
But wait it's not over: I return sastifised to my betting site and discover that i have actually put my money on Idra over MC. Good job you fool - That'll teach you not to be bet money without being 100% focused.
I feel like betting is so goddamn violatile in starcraft. Only the koreans are TRULY stabile in their plays and even then are prone to cheeses and build order wins. So I dont know how much betting I will do in the future, simply because there is so much competition and the safe bets are nowhere to be found. Any person like Idra can be found to performing at top level and the commentators (day9 in particular I feel) have tendency to overhype the players to create storylines that are urealistic in relation to their actual play. Saying that MC plays amazingly is not the correct when idra charges up a ramp to a gold expansion on Metal and getting cramed to death by forcefields. Idra need to realize that while roach and hydras are great, they are no the game ending unit that they used to be. He needs to start relying more on his macro and going to hive tech and putting back pressure with broodlords & heavy ground support.
### Alpha Centauri
Such a good game. Spent the night reliving my old memories with this game after seeing someone here play it. I keep restarting though and I can't remember if I ever finished a game yet. Absolutely the best Civilization type of game I have ever played. Great characters, atmosphere, background story and fun addictive gameplay.